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Garcia, S. L., Stevens, S. L. R., Crary, B., Martinez-Garcia, M., Stepanauskas, R., Woyke, T., Tringe, S. G., Andersson, S., Bertilsson, Malmstrom, R. R., McMahon, K. D. (ISMEJ). Genome level exploration of abundant and uncultivated freshwater bacteria reveals distinct and dynamic populations.


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This repo documents the workflow for the following manuscript:

Garcia, S. L., Stevens, S. L. R., Crary, B., Martinez-Garcia, M., Stepanauskas, R., Woyke, T., … McMahon, K. D. (2017). Contrasting patterns of genome-level diversity across distinct co-occurring bacterial populations. The ISME Journal, 1.

BLASTing metagenome closest to SAG collection against SAGs

This section documents the workflow for BLASTing the reads from one metagenome (collected closest to SAG collection), with no identity cutoff, against a set of single cell genomes. Resulting in Figure 2 of the manuscript.

Running BLAST and filtering results

Ran the following on each SAG individually. Where:
- blastn version = 2.2.31 - SAG = SAG fna file (without rrna and contigs renamed for parsing ease) - metagenome = the fna file of the metagenome reads - outname = name for resulting blastfile

makeblastdb -in SAG -out SAG.db -dbtype nucl
blastn -task blastn -db SAG.db -query metagenome -out outname.blast -evalue 0.001 -outfmt 6

For each resulting blast file, filtered out hits shorter than 200bp (alignment length is the 4th column in the standard BLAST out format 6).

awk '($4 > 200)' outname.blast > outname.blast.len200

Wanted only the best hits (if a read hits that SAG/genome more than once). Wrote to keep only the top hit (based on bit score). If the bit score is the same for two best hits, this script keeps only the first one, since for this study the precise location within SAG is not used. Ran the following command on each filtered blast result.

./blast\ -blast_in outname.blast.len200

Resulting files have same name and end in .bbh

Non-competitive results

Parsed results into one file for each group (ME-acI, nonME-acI, ME-LD12, nonME-LD12, and ME-others)

Visualized results with vis_scripts/makeFig2_plotseqdiscden.R

Competitive results

Also needed results that were competitive within acI and within LD12 groups. Used to choose.

Concatenated all the within SAG bbh results for LD12 (PTXW.len150-vs-LD12_norrna_short.blast.len200.bbh) and acI (PTXW.len150-vs-acI_norrna.fna_short.blast.len200.bbh) into one file for each group.

Ran the following commands on them. Added the '-kb' flag to keep all best hits between SAGs, so the read will be counted twice if the bit score is the same for 2 hits from different SAGs (since the read hits both SAGs equally well).

./blast\ -bin LD12/PTXW.len150-vs-LD12\_norrna\_short.blast.len200.bbh -kb
./blast\ -bin acI/PTXW.len150-vs-acI\_norrna.fna_short.blast.len200.bbh -kb

Parsed results into one file for each group (ME-acI, nonME-acI, ME-LD12, nonME-LD12)

Visualized results with vis_scripts/competative_plotseqdiscden.R

BLASTing all metagenomes against all SAGs

This section documents the workflow for BLASTing the reads from all metagenomes, with identity cutoff, against a set of single cell genomes. Resulting in Figure 4 of the manuscript.

Running BLAST

Ran the following on each SAG and metagenome combo individually. Where:
- blastn version = 2.2.31 - used already made blastdb's from blast single metagenome (info above) - SAG.db = SAG blast db made from fna file (without rrna and contigs renamed for parsing ease) - metagenome = the fna file of the metagenome reads - outname = name for resulting blastfile

blastn -task blastn -db SAG.db -query metagenome -out outname.blast -evalue 0.001 -outfmt 6 -perc_identity 95

I named all of the output files with this scheme: metagenome-vs-SAG.blast

Reformatting, filtering, and pooling resulting BLAST files

Reformatted the BLAST results to be more useful for me. Then filtered them only keeping hits longer than 200bp and > 97.5 identity. Then I replaced the metagenome names with the month and year to pool the results by month.

Reformatting resulting BLAST files

All the raw blast results were in a folder called raw_blast_all Ran the following commands to get the names of all the SAGs from the blast results and then use grep to combine and add the metagenome information in at the same time.

ls raw_blast_all/*.blast | cut -d - -f 3 | cut -d _ -f 1 | sort | uniq > SAGnames.txt
while read line; do echo $line; grep $line raw_blast_all/*$line*.blast > MEmeta-vs-$line.blast; done < SAGnames.txt

Removing path from metagenome name and then making that its own column. All my metagenome names have '.len150' after the library name so I split on that.

for file in MEmeta-vs-A*; do sed -i.ibak 's/raw\_blast\_all\///g' $file; done
rm *.ibak
for file in MEmeta-vs-A*.blast; do sed -i.ibak 's/.len150/        len150/g' $file; done
rm *.ibak

Removed backups after checking that proccess was successful.

Filtering resulting blast files

Ran the following for each reformatted blast result file. Where:
- blastfile = newly reformatted blast file

awk '($5 > 200)' blastfile | awk '($4 > 97.5)' > blastfile.len200.id975; done
Pooling Results by Month

Pooled data by month by replacing metagenome names with year and month by running on each filtered and formated blast result file. Where:
- blastfile.len200.id975 = the resulting file from reformatting and filtering.
- sample_data.txt = a tab-separated file with the following columns in it (in order):
sample, reads, bps, layer, date, year, month, day

./ blastfile.len200.id975 sample_data.txt
Getting best hit files

Wanted only the best hits (if a read hits that SAG/genome more than once). Used to keep only the top hit (based on bit score). If same bit score, keeps first one. Ran the following command on each reformatted, filtered, and pooled blast results(blastfile.len200.id975.pooled):

./ --blast_in blastfile.len200.id975.pooled --pooled

Getting coverage and abundance values

- Blast results file(s) (reformatted, filtered, pooled, and bbh) called blastfile.len200.id975.pooled.ind.bbh below
- Metagenome size file (where metagenome names are replaced with pooled names), pools will be totalled in script below (and anything after '.' removed later and what is left should match pool names in blast files), called pooledmetagenomesize.txt below
E.g. 2008_09.len 653414814
2008_07.len 856300613
was: CSCW.len 653414814
CSCX.len 856300613
- SAG/genome size file (anything after first '_' removed and what is left should match SAG/genome names in blast file contig names), called genomeSizesSAGs.txt below
E.g. AAA027C02_norrna_short.len 1265699
AAA027D23_norrna_short.len 942294
AAA027G08_norrna_short.len 1320847

Concatenated all reformatted, filtered, pooled and individual bbh files together(blastfile.len200.id975.pooled.ind.bbh).

./ -all_blast 'blastfile.len200.id975.pooled.ind.bbh' -mSF pooledmetagenomesize.txt -gSF genomeSizesSAGs.txt -bbh

Outputs the following files:
covered_bases.txt - adding up all of the alignment lengths - gaps for a each season and SAG/genome
genome_cov.txt - divides covered_bases.txt numbers by size of each SAG/genome
hit_table.txt - counts number of hits for each season and SAG/genome
normalized_cov.txt - devides genome\cov.txt by size of each pool (which was get added together earlier in the script)
pid.txt - the average percent identity of all of this hits for each season and SAG/genome

To get the abundance values in the manuscript, we multiplied the normalized_coverage.txt values by the average pool size (which was 3506155780, rounding 3506155779.9166665 to nearest integer)

Note: will also calculate these values by contigs instead of SAGs with the right arguments and inputs

Additional Info

Scripts for Visualization of Figure 4 and 5 not included in repo.


Garcia, S. L., Stevens, S. L. R., Crary, B., Martinez-Garcia, M., Stepanauskas, R., Woyke, T., Tringe, S. G., Andersson, S., Bertilsson, Malmstrom, R. R., McMahon, K. D. (ISMEJ). Genome level exploration of abundant and uncultivated freshwater bacteria reveals distinct and dynamic populations.







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