This module contains a set of CLI utils for working with the Atlassian Confluence and the Microsoft SharePoint. It contains three submodules: publisher, uploader, downloader.
- publisher module allowed to you a public and remove Confluence page. The page creating from markdown file.
Using example (PowerShell script):
py -m confpoint.publisher --user "" --apikey "123abc" `
--space "your space" `
--parent "parent page (optional)" `
--title "title page in Confluence" `
--file "*.MD file which will be published" `
--link ""
- uploader module allowed to you upload a file or directory to the SharePoint server.
Using example (PowerShell script):
py -m confpoint.uploader --user "" --password "pass" `
--file "path/to/uploading/file" `
--remote "remote/path/in/SharePoint/server" `
--group "your sharepoint group (somthing like /sites/Team)" `
--link "" `
--timeout 10
- downloader module allowed to you download a file or directory from the SharePoint server. Also support recursive downloading content from directory.
Using example (PowerShell script):
py -m confpoint.downloader --user "" --password "pass" `
--outputdir "path/to/local/output/directory" `
--remote "remote/path/in/SharePoint/server" `
--group "your sharepoint group (somthing like /sites/Team)" `
--link "" `
For building .exe file:
Create virtual env and activate it
py -m venv env .\env\Scripts\activate
Install from TestPyPi:
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url confpoint
- Install dependency: pip3 install -r requerments.txt
- Get token for confluence.Check this arcticle or this
- For upload files to SharePoint use your login and password (login == --user; password == --apikey)
- Open file pusher.cmd and write your login, token and etc
- Docker imgage with Confpoint and PowerShell