Last Updated on: 2024/07/15 YYYY/MM/DD
Content |
👋Introduction |
📦Resources |
🔮Future Additions |
This is a side project that I'm working on by sharing resources for Command: Modern Operations
- Jorhat Airport (JHR)
- Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU)
- Shillong Airport (SHL)
- Contacts
- Events
- Reference Points
- Sides
- Zones
- Civilian traffic between Zone's RP
- Escort Aircraft
- Basic Blue VS Red
- Better KeyStore
- Disable Automatic Detection for PlayerSide
- Max Fuel for all Aircraft for PlayerSide
- Adds SAR aspect for scenarios
- Command Modern Operations AHK
- Neckbreaker
- A scenario between India and China over the disputed region in the NE-Region of India, also including India's chicken neck
- Neckbreaker
- Add zones defined by latitude and longitude
- Players can create no-nav zones that restricts civilian aircrafts from travelling within that area
- Disallow the automatic change of posture when a manual attack is ordered on a non-hostile contact
- Units replenish their depleted ammo automatically from a supply group
- Throttle: AfterBurner
- Course: Perpendicular
- Altitude: Dip
- Damanged/destroyed naval units will create oil spills
- Random Path
- Dynamic Speed
- Dynamic Depth
- Dynamic Formation
- Units Seperation
- Group formations
- Biologics flees away from explosions and sounds
- Random Path
- Weather Reports on escalated Weather
- Cyclones with Custom weather Zone
- AI Units reacting to the weather and Dangerous weather
- Severe weather affects units:
- Aircrafts landing or taking off from a base/aircraft carrier under severe weather will induce damage/unability to perform task
- Naval Vessels takes damage in severe weather
- False contacts due to outdated equipment
- Repair all selected units
- Repair all units of a side
- Units with some/all ammo depleted will have their munitions filled fully
- Generate courses with a selected pattern for a Unit
- Generate Life Rafts on destroyed naval
- Ability for events/special actions to generate a randomtime trigger with inputted parameters
- Ability for bases to run out of fuel and muunition supplies
- Aircrafts consumes aviation fuel
- Existance of a Supply Station:
- Ports
- Train stations
- Storage facilities
- Fuel storage tanks
- Infrastructure for supplying from the supply station to the base
- Base should bave a storage capability for the resource
- Existance of a Supply Station:
- Allocate units to attack other units in a wave with the use of ammunition
- Plot a contact's predicted path by a given Distance by using RP Points
- Plot a contact's predicted path by a given Time by using RP Points
- Airframes that are subjected to longer than normal flight-time has a higher chance of being requiring longer maintenance
- Making turn-based PvP games more easier to conduct
- Units assigned to a particular mission will start at a random point of a zone's points
- Units assigned to a particular mission will start at a random point within a zone
- SAM Sites are smarter at reacting to threats
- Drones requires ground control stations to be controlled
- Reset the posture of a contact back to unknown
- Units on patrol missions attacks the missile(s)/aircraft(s) that is closer to their target or the mission's protectee
- Ability for aircrafts/naval-vessels to trail contacts at a distance
- Utilise GeoINT to precisely locate a facility that has a small unknown-location box