A simple parser that is using a similar syntax with the big brother FParsec.
I had issues with using FParsec(installing) on a computer with Windows in Deutch, so instead of spending time on fixing that particular issue, I invested 3h to write this.
- Plan in the future to add proper documentation.
- To add support for "replace" in text.
#r "nuget: FSharp.Parser"
open FSharp
open FSharp.Parser
let name =
pfewerTill panyChar (pchar ':') // take all chars until ':'
.>> pchar ':' .>> pspace // skip ':' and whitespace
>>. pfewerTill (pletter <|> pspace) (pchar '.') // drops the previous chars and take all letters or spaces until '.' without consumming '.'
.>> pchar '.' // skip '.' (can be omitted)
.>> pendOfInput // check if we reached the end of the input (can be omitted)
|>> String.build // compose the string from the sequence of chars
parse name "Hello, My name is: Inigo Montoya."
#r "nuget: FSharp.Parser"
open FSharp
open FSharp.Parser
type FileSpec = {
id: FileId
key: FileKey
fileType: FileType
fileName: FileName
and FileId = FileId of int
and FileKey = FileKey of string
and FileType = ImagePng | Unknown of string
and FileName = string
let sample = """
:id: 33
:key: 11345/33
:filetype: image/png
:filename: test.png"""
module Parsing =
let pFileSpecFileIdRow = pspaces >>. pstringCI ":id:" .>> pspaces >>. pint <?> "FileSpec id" |>> FileId
let pFileSpecKeyRow = pspaces >>. pstringCI ":key:" .>> pspaces >>. (pmany1 (pletter <|> pdigit <|> pchar '/')) <?> "FileSpec key" |>> (String.build >> FileKey)
let pFileTypeValue =
pstringCI "image/png" >>% ImagePng
<|> (pfewerTill (pletter <|> pchar '/') pspaces |>> (String.build >> FileType.Unknown))
let pFileTypeRow = pspaces >>. pstringCI ":filetype:" .>> pspaces >>. pFileTypeValue <?> "FileSpec filetype"
let pFileNameRow = pspaces >>. pstringCI ":filename:" .>> pspaces >>. pfewerTill panyChar pendOfRow <?> "FileSpec filename" |>> String.build
let pFileSpec = ptuple4 pFileSpecFileIdRow pFileSpecKeyRow pFileTypeRow pFileNameRow |>> fun (i,k,t,n) -> { id = i; key = k; fileType = t; fileName = n }
let pIgnoreAllUntilMyRecord = pfewerTill panyChar pFileSpec
let pConfig = pIgnoreAllUntilMyRecord >>. pFileSpec
|> parse Parsing.pConfig
|> printfn "%A"
is printing
Ok { id = FileId 33
key = FileKey "11345/33"
fileType = ImagePng
fileName = "test.png" }
To build the project from solution root folder use
dotnet run --project .\_build\build.fsproj -t RunTests