Releases: MediaModMC/MediaMod
2.0.0-beta.10: Fix spotify free crash
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix crash when an ad plays (Spotify Free)
- General bug fixes and performance improvements
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Note, if you are looking for the browser extension, you can find instructions on how to install it in the release notes of 2.0.0-beta.1
2.0.0-beta.9: General bug fixes
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix Spotify API Token not automatically refreshing, this means the user would have to relog into spotify each hour
- Remove unused dependencies
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Note, if you are looking for the browser extension, you can find instructions on how to install it in the release notes of 2.0.0-beta.1
Fix pausing Spotify playback not working
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix pausing/resuming Spotify playback not working
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Fix spotify authentication
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix spotify authentication (again)
- This is done by trusting all SSL certificates when using OkHttp3, Minecraft's JRE doesn't like the certificate used for the MediaMod backend. Once I figure out how to fix this, invalid SSL certificates will not be trusted.
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Fix spotify, remove parties + more
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix Spotify Authentication
- Remove parties
- They were causing many issues, weren't being used and implemented very badly
- Remove analytics
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Encoding bug fix
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix encoding not being enforced on InputStream
- This was causing non-english characters to be read incorrectly
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Crash fix
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fixes a crash that occurs when skipping a song
- This seems to only occur when using the browser extension, as there has been no reports of the issue happening with Spotify
If you were using a previous beta, you can use the /mmupdate
command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Browser extension fixes + more
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix browser extension not working
- Start rewrite of some GUIs, some options may be hidden in this beta
- Multithread connection to the MediaMod API (makes startup time faster & doesn't freeze the game if the client can't connect to the MediaMod API)
- Change pack_format to 3, this might help when assets for MediaMod i.e. translations don't load (1.12.2 ONLY)
- General performance improvements and bug fixes
If you were using beta 2, you can use the /mmupdate command to automatically update MediaMod - Check it out!
Bug fixes + general improvements
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
- Fix NPE on startup for browser extension users
- Remove some existing snooper checks
- Fix handler priorities
- Always auto-update setting
- Fix auto-updater
- Bump maximum player scale to 5
- Close any unclosed streams and connections (performance improvements) (thanks jack)
Auto-update, parties + more
This is beta software, if you encounter an issue please join our Discord so we can fix this issue for future versions
What to test
- 1.12.2 support - this is experimental! If you encounter any issues please report them
/mm party <start/join/leave>
- MediaMod Parties allow you to listen to music with your friends! This requires Spotify Premium/mmupdate
- When the next beta comes out, you will be able to run/mmupdate
to automatically update MediaMod when your client closes- Make sure that the new browser extension below works as expected:
- Chrome:
- Download + extract the
file below - Go to
- Enable developer mode
- Click 'load unpacked' and select the folder where you extracted the Extension to
- Download + extract the
- Firefox:
- Download the
file below - Go to
- Click 'Load Temporary Addon' then select the
- Download the
- Chrome: