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This is a plugin for the Xtreme Elite Boot Plus dashboard for the PlayStation 2.


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XEB+ neutrino Launcher Plugin

This is a plugin for the Xtreme Elite Boot Plus dashboard for the PlayStation 2.
It allows XEB+ to load PlayStation 2 games from HDD, MX4SIO, USB, and UDPBD via neutrino.

This fork includes a sync app UDPBD-for-XEB+-GUI.exe for windows or UDPBD-for-XEB+-CLI.dll for Linux.
It automates the setup process when using UDPBD.

Please Note that version 2 of the Sync App Requires version 2 of the XEB+ Plug-in and vice versa.


  • Load PlayStation 2 game backups straight from the Xtreme Elite Boot Plus dashboard.
  • Supports game loading from HDD, MX4SIO, MMCE, USB, and UDPBD.
  • Supports high capacity exFAT drives (currently tested with drives up to 4TB).
  • Works with fragmented game files.
  • Quick navigation functions for browsing large game lists.
  • Remember last 10 games played.
  • Display game-specific artwork on the menu.
  • Display metadata for each game.
  • Set neutrino compatibility flags and other options on a global or per-game basis.
  • Change video modes via GSM.
  • Virtual Memory Cards.
  • Supports Memcard Pro 2 and SD2PSX.
  • Cheat support.
  • Favorites list.
  • Custom theme integration.


  • A PlayStation 2 console with a memory card that has either FreeMCBoot or PS2BBL installed.
    PS2BBL is the recommended option.
  • If using ListBuilder, a computer with a recent version of Python installed.
  • All of the requirements specific to the device you want to load games from.


  • A PS2 slim (built-in ethernet) or a fat PS2 with an original Sony network/HDD adapter.
  • A PC with enough free space to store game ISOs.
  • A MBR FAT32 or exFAT formatted USB drive 1GB or larger.
    This is used for XEB+ and assorted files, game ISOs are stored on the PC.
  • An ethernet cable to connect the PS2 to the PC.
    If your PC does not have an ethernet port available, a USB ethernet adapter will work.


  • A fat PlayStation 2 console (SCPH-3XXXX or SCPH-5XXXX).
  • A PlayStation 2 network adapter or hard drive add-on.
  • A hard drive or SSD that is compatible with your PlayStation 2 network or hard drive adapter.
  • A FAT32 or exFAT formatted USB drive 1GB or larger.
    This is used for XEB+ and assorted files.
  • A PC hard drive dock or USB adapter (optional).


  • An MX4SIO adapter
  • An exFAT formatted SD card no less than 4GB in size.
    32GB or larger is recommended.
  • A FAT32 or exFAT formatted USB drive 1GB or larger.
    This is used for XEB+ and assorted files.
  • A USB SD card reader (optional).


  • An MMCE compatible device, such as a MemCard Pro 2 or SD2PSX.
  • A micro SD card no less than 4GB in size.
    32GB or larger is recommended.
  • A FAT32 or exFAT formatted USB drive 1GB or larger.
    This is used for XEB+ and assorted files.
  • A USB micro SD card reader (optional).


  • An exFAT formatted USB drive no less than 4GB in size.
    32GB or larger is recommended.
  • A PS2 boot loader that can read exFAT drives.
    PS2BBL supports this by default. ExFAT support can be added to FreeMcBoot with BDM Assault.


Note: This setup process is for version 2.7 of this plugin.
If you are updating from version 2.5 or earlier, you may need to remove the XEBPLUS/CFG/neutrinoLuancher folder on your USB drive.
If you are updating from version 1.x, you will need to remove the old version of neutrino Launcher from your XEB+ install before continuing.
This includes all neutrino Launcher files in the APPS, PLG, and CFG folders, as well as the CD and DVD folders on the root of your USB drive.

  1. If you have not already done so, download the Xtreme Elite Boot Plus Xmas 2021 showcase. Mirror (recommended)
    Howling Wolf & Chelsea's PS2-Vault
  2. Extract the XEBPLUS folder to the root of your MBR FAT32 or MBR exFAT USB drive, and ensure that you can load into the XEB+ dashboard on your PlayStation 2.
    Use 7-zip to extract the XEBPLUS folder to the root of your USB drive. (Windows does not natively support .rar with passwords.)
    The password is at the bottom of xebplus_xmas_showcase.rar\Distribution License.txt.
    Note that if you are using an MBR exFAT formatted USB drive, you will need to use PS2BBL and this version of wLaunchELF.
  3. (optional) Configure your PS2 exploit of choice to autorun XEB+ on startup.
  4. Download the latest version of this plugin from the latest release on this page.
    Extract the XEBPLUS folder to the root of your USB drive, merging all folders if prompted.
  5. Extract the UDPBD Sync app or List Builder script to somewhere in Documents or Downloads (It is a portable app, do NOT use Program Files or any other system related folder).
  6. Complete setup by following the steps specific to the device you want to load games from.

UDPBD on Windows

If you plan to use virtual memory cards please read this:
To make use of virtual memory cards please follow these steps:
Make sure you are using the latest release of the neutrino plugin and sync app ( or newer).
On step 17 of this section change vexfat to udpbd-server then check "use vmcs" then sync to the PS2.
You must use udpbd-server when using VMCs, udpbd-vexfat does NOT support VMCs.
AFAIK udpbd-server only works with exFAT partitions made with Linux/exfatprogs/GParted.
The beginning of a previous tutorial that I made shows how to do this.
After opening neutrino Launcher in XEBP with a game in view, press the โน square button to open the context menu.
In the context menu you can enable or disable VMCs globally or individually per game.
For transferring, importing, or exporting saves from VMC files you can use PS2-VMC-GUI.

  1. Somewhere on your PC, for example Documents, create a new folder PS2.

  2. Inside the PS2 folder, create CD and DVD folders.

  3. Rip/copy any PlayStation 2 ISOs you wish to load into the folder that corresponds with their original source media.

  4. All .bin + .cue CD games must be converted to .iso format.
    The sync app will convert them automatically if placed in the CD folder and check the Convert CD Bin to ISO box before synchronizing.

  5. From the latest release on this page, extract the UDPBD-for-XEB+ Sync App folder somewhere in Documents or Downloads (It is a portable app, do NOT use Program Files or any other system related folder).

  6. Direct Connection - Plug in the ethernet cable as shown: โ†“
    Router Connection - Plug in the ethernet cables as shown: โ†“

  7. For a direct connection, as seen in the previous step, set a manual IPv4 address and subnet mask.
    For using a router instead of a direct connection, set the PC's IP assignment to Automatic (DHCP).
    On the PC go into network connections or run ncpa.cpl.
    Right click the Ethernet adapter and select properties, then select IPv4 properties.
    Enable "Obtain an IP address automatically".
    Then follow this guide for assigning a proper IP address on the PS2.
    The ps2 IP address settings for launchELF need to be changed.
    For the first IP address, the first three parts must match the default gateway of the router or switch.
    For example: 192.168.1.?
    The last part (?) needs to be a unique number between 2 and 254, example:
    Set the middle number, subnet mask, to
    The third IP address or default gateway, must match the default gateway of the router or switch.
    Most likely it will be or

  8. Hold R1 on the controller during FreeMCBoot/PS2BBL startup to open LaunchELF.
    Open MISC -> PS2Net

  9. Let the PS2 idle on this screen for the next steps on the PC.

  10. Run UDPBD-for-XEB+-GUI.exe and click connect.

  11. Click Select Game Path then choose an ISO from the DVD folder from step 8.

  12. Click Sync with PS2, upon success this message will be displayed:

  13. Click Start Server and make sure to allow.
    If you miss clicked, either move the UDPBD-for-XEB+ folder inside a new folder or manually delete the inbound rules for udpbd-vexfat in Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
    udpbd-vexfat will open minimized.
    The server needs to be open and running for the entire play session. (Disable sleep on the PC.)

  14. The PC setup is now complete, back on the PS2 run XEB+.
    launchelf-xeb It's recommended to set FreeMCBoot or PS2BBL to autorun the .ELF file.

  15. Play!

Repeat steps 14-21 of the setup process after adding or renaming/removing games.

If you want the server to start automatically when the PC is turned on follow these steps:

  • Create a shortcut to udpbd-vexfat.exe
  • Right click the shortcut then select properties
  • In the Target text box add a space the location of the DVD and CD folders in quotes.
    Here is an example:
"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\UDPBD-for-XEB+ Sync App\udpbd-vexfat.exe" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\PS2 Games"
  • Now test the shortcut and check if the server is able to find games.
    If the server exits immediately then there is most likely a typo in the shortcut's target.
  • Move the vexfat shortcut to this folder:
    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    Now the server will start automatically.

UDPBD on Linux

This guide uses APT with Ubuntu, if you are using a different distribution these steps may vary.

  1. Compile the udpbd-server
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git build-essential
git clone
cd udpbd-server
  1. Install .NET 8, GParted, and exfatprogs
sudo apt install dotnet-runtime-8.0 gparted exfatprogs
  1. Create a new exFAT partition in GParted and note the partition number.
    For this guide the exFAT partition is /dev/nvme0n1p6, it will most likely be slightly different on your system.
  2. Mount it to /mnt/ps2. Your storage device /dev/nvme0n1p6 will probably be different.
sudo mkdir /mnt/ps2/
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p6 /mnt/ps2/ -o uid=$USER
  1. Create folders named CD and DVD in the exFAT partition.
    Rip/copy any PlayStation 2 disc images you wish to load into the folder that corresponds with their original source media.
    Example: /mnt/ps2/DVD/Grand Theft Auto III.iso

  2. From the latest release on this page, extract the UDPBD-for-XEB+ Sync App folder.

  3. Direct Connection - Plug in the ethernet cable as shown: โ†“
    Router Connection - Plug in the ethernet cables as shown: โ†“

  4. For a direct connection, as seen in the previous step, set a manual IPv4 address and subnet mask.
    For using a router instead of a direct connection, set the PC's IP assignment to Automatic (DHCP).
    Then follow this guide for assigning a proper IP address on the PS2.
    The ps2 IP address settings for launchELF need to be changed.
    For the first IP address, the first three parts must match the default gateway of the router or switch.
    For example: 192.168.1.?
    The last part (?) needs to be a unique number between 2 and 254, example:
    Set the middle number, subnet mask, to
    The third IP address or default gateway, must match the default gateway of the router or switch.
    Most likely it will be or

  5. Hold R1 on the controller during FreeMCBoot/PS2BBL startup to open LaunchELF.
    Open MISC -> PS2Net

  6. Let the PS2 idle on this screen for the next steps on the PC.

  7. Run the sync app, please note that these are example parameters.

dotnet UDPBD-for-XEB+-CLI.dll -path /mnt/ps2 -ps2ip -bin2iso

Here is a list of all parameters:
-path ? is the file path to the CD and DVD folder that contain game ISOs.
-ps2ip ? is the ip address for connecting to the PS2 with PS2Net.
-downloadart enables automatic game artwork downloading.
-bin2iso enables automatic CD-ROM Bin to ISO conversion.
-enablevmc will assign a virtual memory card for each game or group of games in 'vmc_groups.list'.

  1. Unmount the exFAT partition then Start the udpbd-server.
sudo umount /mnt/ps2
sudo ./udpbd-server /dev/nvme0n1p6

The server needs to be open and running for the entire play session.

  1. Launch XEB+ then Play!

To add or rename/remove games, stop the server then mount the exFAT storage device to /mnt/ps2

sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p6 /mnt/ps2/ -o uid=$USER

Then add your games and repeat steps 15-19 of the Linux setup process.


  1. Connect your hard drive or SSD to a computer, and format it as an exFAT partition.
  2. Create folders named CD and DVD on the root of the hard drive.
  3. Rip/copy any PlayStation 2 disc images you wish to load into the folder that corresponds with their original source media.
    All disc images must be in .iso format.
  4. Run from the included List Builder folder, and select PS2 HDD under Drive Type.
  5. Click the Choose Directory button under XEBPLUS Location and navigate to the root of the USB drive containing your XEB+ install.
  6. Click the Choose Directory button under Games Location and navigate to the root of your hard drive.
  7. Click the Create VMCs checkbox if you wish to use virtual memory cards.
  8. Click Build List and wait for the process to complete.
  9. Eject both drives from the computer.
    Connect the hard drive / SSD to the PlayStation 2 via the network adapter, and plug the USB drive into either of the front USB ports.
  10. Launch XEB+ on the PS2, and use neutrino Launcher (HDD) to load games from the hard drive.

Repeat steps 9-14 to add or remove games on the hard drive.


  1. Connect your SD card to the computer, and format it as an exFAT partition.
  2. Create folders named CD and DVD on the root of the SD card.
  3. Rip/copy any PlayStation 2 disc images you wish to load into the folder that corresponds with their original source media.
    All disc images must be in .iso format.
  4. Run from the included List Builder folder, and select MX4SIO under Drive Type.
  5. Click the Choose Directory button under XEBPLUS Location and navigate to the root of the USB drive containing your XEB+ install.
  6. Click the Choose Directory button under Games Location and navigate to the root of your SD card.
  7. Click the Create VMCs checkbox if you wish to use virtual memory cards.
  8. Click Build List and wait for the process to complete.
  9. Eject both drives from the computer.
    Insert the SD card into an MX4SIO adapter and connect it to memory card slot 2 on the PlayStation 2.
    Plug the USB drive into either of the front USB ports.
  10. Launch XEB+ on the PS2, and use neutrino Launcher (MX4SIO) to load games from the SD card.

Repeat steps 9-14 to add or remove games on the SD card.


  1. Ensure your USB drive is formatted as an exFAT partition. You will need to reformat it and repeat steps 2-4 if it is not.
  2. Create folders named CD and DVD on the root of the USB drive.
  3. Rip/copy any PlayStation 2 disc images you wish to load into the folder that corresponds with their original source media.
    All disc images must be in .iso format.
  4. Run from the included List Builder folder, and select USB under Drive Type.
  5. Click the Choose Directory button under XEBPLUS Location and navigate to the root of your USB drive.
    The Games Location will automatically be set to the same folder.
  6. Click the Create VMCs checkbox if you wish to use virtual memory cards.
  7. Click Build List and wait for the process to complete.
  8. Eject the USB drive and plug it into either of the front USB ports on the PlayStation 2.
  9. Launch XEB+ on the PS2, and use neutrino Launcher (USB) to load games from the USB drive.

Repeat steps 9-13 to add or remove games on the USB drive.

Adding Artwork

The neutrino Launcher plugin can display game-specific artwork in the selection menu.
This feature uses the same file type and naming conventions as Open PS2 Loader, which allows the plugin to take advantage of existing PS2 artwork libraries designed for OPL.
The UDPBD Sync app will automatically install artwork if you check the box Download Artwork before clicking sync.
This will download artwork from the OPLM art backup on

For manual artwork installation, the following additional steps are required:

  1. Prepare or acquire artwork files with the same file format and naming conventions as those used by OPL.
    • Only background art (_BG) and disc icon (_ICO) files are used by this plugin.
    • Some recent versions of OPL have added support for 128x128 disc icons.
      While these are technically supported, it is recommended to only use the older 64x64 icons.
  2. Copy the artwork files you wish to use to /ART or /XEBPLUS/GME/ART on your USB drive.
    • If it exists, the ART directory on the USB root will always take priority over /XEBPLUS/GME/ART.
  3. Launch XEB+ and select one of the neutrino Launcher plugins.
    • If the plugin detects files in one of the artwork directories, it will automatically create an artwork cache in the CFG/neutrinoLauncher folder.
    • This is necessary to maintain a usable level of performance while displaying artwork in the menu.

The caching process can take a long time to complete the first time it runs, potentially over an hour if you have a very large game library.

Making any changes to any of the .list files in the CFG/neutrinoLauncher folder, or modifying the cache folder will trigger a refresh of the artwork cache the next time the plugin is launched.
A refresh can also be triggered manually from the plugin settings.
Cache refreshes take much less time than initial creation, so long as the cache folder has not been moved or deleted.

Adding Cheats

The neutrino Launcher can be set to load Cheat Device prior to starting a game.
This allows for the use of Action Replay / Gameshark style cheat codes.
To make use of this feature, the following additional steps are required.

  1. Create or acquire cheat database (.cht) files in Cheat Device format.
    • Database files should only contain cheats for a single game.
    • Database files must be named by PlayStation 2 title ID using this format: SLUS_123.45.cht
  2. Create a directory called CHT on the root of the USB drive containing your XEB+ install.
  3. Copy your .cht files to the CHT directory.

A collection widescreen patch codes in the correct format can be found here.
Other cheat codes will need to be converted from other collections or added by hand.


Here are some common issues that can easily be resolved:

Game File Integrity Validation

If there is a particular game that is not working right, the first thing to do is check the file hash.
The easiest way to do so is to use an online hashing tool

After selecting a file, copy the MD5 hash and paste it into the Quick search at
If you are redirected to the game page then the selected game file is verified good.
If the search results in No discs found. then the game file is most likely corrupted.
Please note that CD-ROM based games converted to ISO will not be found in the redump database.

Manually Reset Plugin Configuration

If the neutrino Launcher plugin freezes or becomes unresponsive, you may need to manually erase the configuration files.
To do so, first open LaunchELF.
Then navigate to mass:/XEBPLUS/CFG/ and highlight the neutrinoLauncher/ folder.
Hit R1 on the controller then choose Delete.
This will completely reset the neutrino Launcher plugin's settings to default.
After doing so, you will need to re-sync the game list.

Network Testing

When using UDPBD it is very important that the network connection is fast and stable.
The easiest way to test this is by using the ping command.
On the PS2 open LaunchELF then PS2Net, this will initialize the network so that the PS2 will receive the pings.
On the PC run the following command, please note that the IP address for the PS2 may be different.

cmd /K ping -n 50 -l 512

This will send 50 pings to the PS2, after about a minute it will finish.
The statistics will tell you basic information about the network performance.
There should be 0 lost packets (0% loss).
The maximum approximate round trip time should be 3ms or less.
If your network does not meet these performance metrics then problems may occur.

Plugin reports "Error: Could not read <file>.list. The file may be missing or corrupted"

This error occurs when the game list file for the selected drive type is missing or severely malformed.
Refer to the setup procedure for your drive type to (re)build the game list.

PS2 reboots instead of starting a game

This behavior occurs when the .iso file for the selected game cannot be found.
The console may hang on a black screen for up to 30 seconds before rebooting.
Some things to check if you encounter this issue:

  • Ensure your game drive is properly connected to the console.
    MX4SIO adapters must be in Memory Cart Slot 2, and MMCE devices in Memory Card Slot 1.
    Neither device type will work if connected through a multitap.
  • Ensure the game you are trying to load is present on your game drive.
  • Ensure your game drive is formatted as eXFAT.
    If using an MMCE device, ensure the SD card has been formatted with the device firmware.
  • Ensure the plugin is trying to load the correct file.
    This can be accomplished by rebuilding the game list.
  • If using UDPBD, ensure the server software is running and that both the PS2 and server are connected to the same network and properly configured.

PS2 freezes on a black screen when starting a single game

This behavior usually occurs when data for the selected game cannot be read. Some things to try if you encounter this issue:

  • Launch the game again with different compatibility settings.
    A list of known working configurations can be found here.

PS2 freezes on a black screen when starting any game

  • Verify the integrity of the USB drive with CHKDSK or similar application.
  • Re-copy the neutrino Launcher plugin files to the USB drive. Ensure the drive is properly ejected from the computer after doing this.
  • Reformat the USB drive, then reinstall XEB+ and the neutrino Launcher plugin.
  • If all else fails, shred the partition on the USB drive and create a new one. Then reinstall XEB+ and the neutrino Launcher plugin.

XEB+ crashes when loading the plugin

This is usually caused by a stale artwork cache.
If this is the case, manually triggering a cache refresh from neutrino Launcher Settings will fix the issue.
If that does not work, the following my help:

  • Delete the menu.cfg file found in XEBPLUS/CFG/neutrinoLauncher on your USB drive.
  • Disable disc and/or background artwork in the neutrino Launcher Settings.
  • Delete the XEBPLUS/CFG/neutrinoLauncherfolder from your USB drive. Note that you will have to rebuild all game lists and re-cache artwork if you do this.

Plugin crashes when scrolling the list

This happens when the plugin attempts to load a corrupted art asset.
Disabling disc and/or background artwork in the neutrino Launcher Settings can be used to diagnose and temporarily resolve the issue.
For a permanent fix, the offending artwork file must be removed or replaced.



โŽ CROSS - confirm / launch game
โบ CIRCLE / LEFT - cancel / close plugin
โน SQUARE - open context menu
๐Ÿ”ผ TRIANGLE - add/remove favorite
โ†‘ UP - scroll up
โ†“ DOWN - scroll down
R1 - show next list
L1 - show previous list
R2 - quick scroll down
L2 - quick scroll up
R3 - jump to next letter
L3 - jump to previous letter
SELECT - view control map

Basic Usage

Launch the XEB+ dashboard on your PlayStation 2 console, and select the appropriate neutrino Launcher entry from the menu.
Wait a moment for the plugin to load. If there are artwork files present, you may need to wait for the artwork cache to build or refresh.
Select a game from the list to launch it with neutrino, or press back to close the plugin.
Repeat steps 9-14 of the setup process for your drive type each time you wish to add or remove games.

Game Options

Press โน SQUARE while in the game selection menu, and the context menu will open.
Context menu options apply to the currently highlighted game by default, and are as follows:

  • Add To Favorites - Adds the current game to the favorites list. If the current game is already in the favorites list, this option will remove it.
  • Global / Per-Game Settings - This option toggles between Global and Per-Game settings modes.
    When set to Global Settings, options shown below this one will apply to all games.
    When set to Per-Game Settings, options shown below this one will apply only to the current game.
  • Enable Cheat Device - When enabled, Cheat Device will be injected into the game load sequence.
    To start the selected game from within Cheat Device, press START, select Start Game, and choose the first option below ==Disc==.
  • Enable VMC - When enabled, the selected game will save data to a virtual memory card image instead of the memory card in Slot 1 of the PS2.
  • Use Unique VMC - If the selected game is in a memory card group, enabling this option will force it to use a dedicated VMC instead of the default group one. This applies to both internal VMCs and those created by smart memory cards. More info on memory card groups can be found here.
  • Enable Boot Logo - When enabled, the PlayStation 2 logo will be shown on screen when starting a game. This setting can affect compatibility, particularly for games that do not match your console's region.
  • Fast Reads - When enabled, the data transfer rate for games will be able to exceed that of the PlayStation 2 DVD drive.
    This will reduce load times if using UDPBD or a hard drive, but can cause compatibility issues with some titles.
  • Synchronous Reads - When enabled, asynchronous (background) loading will not be used. This can affect load times, and fixes compatibility issues with some titles.
  • Unhook Syscalls - When enabled, neutrino Syscalls will be removed from memory after starting a game. This fixes compatibility issues with some titles.
  • Emulate DVD-DL- When enabled, neutrino will emulate the data structure of a dual-layer DVD. This option is required for DVD9 images that have been modified to fit a DVD5.
  • Fix Buffer Overrun- Fixes a compatibility issue present in a very small number of games.
  • GSM Field Mode- Force the Graphics Synthesizer to use a specific field scanning mode.
    • Defualt - Use the game's default video mode.
    • Progressive - Use the progressive scan equivalent of the game's default video mode. This is 480p for NTSC titles and 576p for PAL.
  • GSM Frame Mode- Force the Graphics Synthesizer to use a specific frame height.
    • Defualt - Use the game's default video mode.
    • 240p/288p - Use native 240p.
    • 480p/576p - Use line-doubled 240p in progressive scan.
  • GSM Frame Mode- Select between three different field-flipping types.
    Changing this can affect the compatibility of other GSM settings.
  • Refresh Artwork - Immediately delete and re-copy cached artwork for the current game. This option is not affected by the current settings mode.

Closing the context menu will automatically save the currently selected options.
Refer to the compatibility list to find known-working configurations for specific games.

Recent Games

The neutrino Launcher plugin keeps track of the ten most recently played games for each drive type. Recent games are stored in the recent games list in reverse chronological order.

To access the recent games list, press ๐Ÿ”ผ TRIANGLE while on the game selection menu. Press ๐Ÿ”ผ TRIANGLE again to advance to the favorites list.


Games can be added to a favorites list for easy organization and quicker access.

The favorites list is shared between all four drive types, however only titles present on the currently selected drive will be displayed.

To add a game to the favorites list, open the context menu and select "Add To Favorites", as described in the previous section. Repeat this process to remove a game from the favorites list.
When a game is in the favorites list, it's title will be flanked by "โ—" on either side.

To access the favorites list, press ๐Ÿ”ผ TRIANGLE while on the recent games list. Press ๐Ÿ”ผ TRIANGLE again to show all games.
The plugin will always start up to the all games list, even if it was previously closed while viewing the favorites list.

Neutrino Launcher Settings

This package includes a secondary plugin called neutrino Launcher Settings, which is accessible from the far right column of the XEB+ dashboard.
This contains a settings menu whose options apply to the main neutrino Launcher plugins. The available options are as follows:

  • Enable HDD - When enabled, neutrino Launcher (HDD) will be available on the XEB+ dashboard.
  • Enable MX4SIO - When enabled, neutrino Launcher (MX4SIO) will be available on the XEB+ dashboard.
  • Eanable MMCE - When enabled, neutrino Launcher (MMCE) will be available on the XEB+ dashboard.
  • Enable USB - When enabled, neutrino Launcher (USB) will be available on the XEB+ dashboard.
  • Enable UDPBD - When enabled, neutrino Launcher (UDPBD) will be available on the XEB+ dashboard.
  • Enable iLINK - When enabled, neutrino Launcher (iLink) will be available on the XEB+ dashboard.
  • Disable Disc Art - When enabled, game specific disc icons will not be shown on the menu. This can decrease lag when browsing the list.
  • Disable Background Art - When enabled, game specific backgrounds will not be shown on the menu. This can improve performance when browsing the list.
  • Disable Status Messages - When enabled, the text that appears at the bottom of the screen to indicate loading and other behavior will not be shown.
  • Disable Background Fading - When enabled, background artwork will not fade in/out when the image changes.
  • Disable Icon Animation - When enabled, the disc icon for the currently highlighted game will not spin.
  • Show Title ID - When enabled, each game's PlayStation 2 title ID will be shown under its title.
  • Show Media - When enabled, each game's media type will be shown under it's title.
  • Refresh Artwork Cache - Sets artwork cache to refresh next time one of the neutrino Launcher plugins is loaded.
  • Clean Artwork Cache - Immediately scan the artwork cache for unused files and remove them.

Returning to the dashboard will automatically save the currently selected options.
An XEB+ reboot/refresh is required for changes made to this setting to take effect.

Integrating With Custom Themes

The six neutrino Launcher plugins and the settings plugin each use their own custom dashboard icon that is not normally present in XEB+.
Versions of these icons that are visually consistent with the default XEB+ theme are included and will be loaded by default.
Alternate icons will be used instead if icon files with the correct names are present in the current XEB+ theme folder.

The filenames each plugin looks for are as follows:

  • ic_tool_neutrino_hdl.png - neutrino Launcher (HDD)
  • ic_tool_neutrino_mx4.png - neutrino Launcher (MX4SIO)
  • ic_tool_neutrino_mmce.png - neutrino Launcher (MMCE)
  • ic_tool_neutrino_usb.png - neutrino Launcher (USB)
  • ic_tool_neutrino_udpbd.png - neutrino Launcher (UDPBD)
  • ic_tool_neutrino_ilink.png - neutrino Launcher (iLink)
  • ic_set_neutrino_cfg.png - neutrino Launcher Settings

If you wish to reference the included versions of these icons, they are located at XEBPLUS/APPS/neutrinoLauncher/image/.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Artwork cannot be refreshed from the context menu while in the favorites list.
  • It is not currently possible to mount VMCs in Slot 2.
  • Repeatedly adding/removing a game from the favorites list may cause a crash.
  • The plugin may crash when switching to the favorites list for some users. The cause of this issue is currently unknown.
  • The plugin may need to be closed and re-opened for refreshed artwork to be shown.
  • If an artwork cache build / refresh is interrupted, the system may crash the next time the plugin is loaded.
    If this happens, the behavior will persist until the cache is refreshed manually.
  • The neutrino Launcher plugin can take up to 30 seconds to load, and may appear to hang if there are a large number of games present.
  • If enabled, the PlayStation 2 boot logo will display incorrectly for games that do not match the console's region.
  • If installed, the PlayStation 2 hard drive will spin up when loading games from MX4SIO or UDPBD.
  • Scrolling through the list quickly may cause corrupted graphics to be displayed briefly.

Compiling the Sync App

If you wish to make any modifications to the windows presentation foundation (WPF) app or console app follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Community with the .NET desktop development workload.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Open the Sync-App-Source\UDPBD-for-XEB+-GUI.sln or Sync-App-Source\UDPBD-for-XEB+-CLI.sln file with Visual Studio.
  4. The command line app requires the DiscUtils.Iso9660 library from NuGet to be installed.
  5. Click Build -> Build Solution, then copy the files from Sync-App-Source\Needed-for-Release and Sync-App-Source\UDPBD-for-XEB+-CLI\bin\Debug\net8.0 to Sync-App-Source\UDPBD-for-XEB+-GUI\bin\Debug\net8.0-windows
    This only needs to be done once.
  6. Now you can test your changes by clicking the green arrow in VS or open Sync-App-Source\UDPBD-for-XEB+-GUI\bin\Debug\net8.0-windows\UDPBD-for-XEB+-GUI.exe


Big Thanks to these Devs!

Alex Parrado & El_isra & Rick Gaiser - udpbd-server - 2023-3-8

awaken1ng - udpbd-vexfat - v0.2.0

Howling Wolf & Chelsea - XtremeEliteBoot+

Rick Gaiser - neutrino - v1.6.1

sync-on-luma - neutrinoHDD plugin for XEB+ - forked from v2.7.3

Wes Castro & El_isra & sync-on-luma - CheatDevice - 2025-2-25


This is a plugin for the Xtreme Elite Boot Plus dashboard for the PlayStation 2.



GPL-3.0, AFL-3.0 licenses found

Licenses found






  • Lua 73.8%
  • C# 21.2%
  • Python 5.0%