Render Hexo's markdown documents with syzoj-renderer.
First, make sure that you've removed all other markdown renderers from Hexo. For example:
yarn remove hexo-renderer-marked
Then install this plugin:
yarn add hexo-renderer-syzoj-renderer
Configurations are passed by Hexo's _config.yml
. Available options (and their default values) are:
cache_file: cache.json # File to store cache, related to Hexo's base directory.
highlighter: prism # Code highlighter, 'prism' or 'hexo', the later uses highlight.js.
options: # syzoj-renderer's options, see
expandTab: null # expandTab > 0 to enable expand tab, which replaces one tab to that namy spaces.
wrapper: # Strings that'll be added to highlighted code's beginning and ending.
- <pre><code>
- </code></pre>
markdownItMergeCells: true # Enable markdown-it-merge-cells or not, which'll merge adjacent cells with same
# content in Markdown tables.
markdownIt: # markdown-it's options, see
html: true
breaks: false
linkify: true
typographer: false
markdownItMath: # markdown-it-math-loose's options, see
inlineOpen: $
inlineClose: $
blockOpen: $$
blockClose: $$