from project import db, create_app
You will make some changes to your models in your Python source code. You will then run flask db migrate to generate a new database migration for these changes. You will finally apply the changes to the database by running flask db upgrade.
import os base=os.path.basename('/root/dir/sub/file.ext') base 'file.ext' os.path.splitext(base) ('file', '.ext') os.path.splitext(base)[0] 'file'
new=Methods(methodname="Soil Structure Auto Detection", body= "Based on article A Geometric Equation for Representing Morphological Field Information in Horizons with Compound Structure (2017) Hirmas and Gimenez",folder="method4")
You can't merge with local modifications. Git protects you from losing potentially important changes.
You have three options:
Commit the change using git commit -m "My message" Stash it. Stashing acts as a stack, where you can push changes, and you pop them in reverse order.
To stash, type
git stash Do the merge, and then pull the stash:
git stash pop Discard the local changes using git reset --hard or git checkout -t -f remote/branch
skbuild is for Scikit-build.
Install it using pip:
As for windows: pip install scikit-build
After the succesfull installation:
ps -ef |grep redis redis-cli ping #should return 'PONG' And this solved my issue:
$ ps -ef |grep redis
root 6622 4836 0 11:07 pts/0 00:00:00 grep redis redis 6632 1 0 Jun23 ? 04:21:50 /usr/bin/redis-server *:6379 Locate redis process, and stop it!
$ kill -9 6632 $ service redis restart
Stopping redis-server: [ OK ] Starting redis-server: [ OK ]
Для установки cv2 на сервер !!!
RUN apt-get update ##[edited]
RUN apt-get install 'ffmpeg'
'libxext6' -y