A Clojure library designed to query Halo Custom Edition servers.
(require '[halo-query.core :as halo])
(halo/query "" 2302)
=> {:maxplayers 16,
:game_classic false,
:nextmode "",
{:vehicle-respawn 60, :red-vehicle-set "Custom", :blue-vehicle-set "Default"},
:password false,
:queryid "1.1",
:fraglimit 50,
:numplayers 1,
:gamemode "openplaying",
:hostname "Halo",
:sapp_flags "1",
:final "Sapp",
:gametype "Slayer",
{:friendly-fire-penalty 0,
:auto-team-balance false,
:invisible-players false,
:friend-indicators true,
:starting-equipment "Custom",
:infinite-grenades false,
:suicide-penalty 0,
:respawn-growth 0,
:respawn-time 0,
:friendly-fire "On",
:indicator "Motion Tracker",
:other-players-on-radar "All",
:maximum-health "100%",
:lives ##Inf,
:weapon-set "Normal",
:odd-man-out false,
:shields true},
:gamevariant "Slayer",
:hostport 2302,
:teamplay false,
{:game-type "Slayer",
:death-bonus false,
:kill-penalty false,
:kill-in-order false},
:mapname "bloodgulch",
:nextmap "",
:players [{:name "New001", :score 0, :ping 32, :team 0}],
:gamever "",
:dedicated true,
:sapp "10.1 RC1 CE"}
- Halo Status by Chaosvex: Original decoding of flags
- Halo Server Query by TagiaNetwork: Primary predecessor, provides a Python implementation
- Halo Query by Sigmmma: Light inspiration, provides a NodeJS implementation
Copyright © 2024 Adam Mertzenich
Available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0, see LICENSE