This is the code for the example given in section 3 of the publication "Towards smart traceability for digital sensors and the industrial Internet of Things".
The example replays data recorded from a Smart-Up Unit to which an MPC-9250 multi-sensor is connected. The stream is fetched and processed in an agent-framework. The pipeline adds input quantization uncertainty, makes the stream equidistant and deconvolves the signal with the (stabilized) inverse sensor transfer behavior. Finally, the result is plotted in the web-based dashboard of the agent-framework.
The following steps assume that you are using a Linux-machine with git
and python3
Furthermore, we assume that you store git-repos inside ~/git_repos
and python (virtual) environments in ~/python_envs
Clone the repo, setup a new virtual Python environment and install the dependencies:
# clone
cd ~/git_repos
git clone
cd towards_smart_traceability_example
# create and activate new python environment
python -m venv ~/python_envs/towards_smart_traceability_example
. ~/python_envs/towards_smart_traceability_example/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the utilized dataset from Zenodo. The download size is ~170MB, but the extract archive will take up ~4.2GB.
cd ~/git_repos/towards_smart_traceability_example/data
wget ...
tar ...
Start in simulation of the Smart-Up Unit:
cd ~/git_repos/towards_smart_traceability_example/code
. ~/python_envs/towards_smart_traceability_example/bin/activate
In a second window, start the agent-network by:
cd ~/git_repos/towards_smart_traceability_example/code
. ~/python_envs/towards_smart_traceability_example/bin/activate
You can now open a browser to see the dashboard at [http://localhost:8050].