A Meteor Autopublish wrapper for NVD3.
For the most up-to-date NVD3 usage documentation, see the
NVD3 Homepage. To use NVD3 within
Meteor via this package run meteor add nvd3:nvd3-wrapper
Note: This package will replace nvd3:nvd3 in the future. There will be no difference in behavior if you are already using nvd3 within a Meteor app.
This project merely serves to automatically publish a new version of the NVD3 Meteor package every time a new version of NVD3 proper is released.
This package is designed to suit the following Meteor Autopublish workflow:
- npm install
- gulp getUpstream --tag newtag
- gulp test
- gulp updateVersion --tag newtag
- gulp updateRelease --tag newtag
- git commit -am "Bump to version newtag"
- git push
- meteor publish