Use the 9 class of the dataset with 2 convolutional layers (3,3), 2 max pooling layers (2,2), 2 dropout and 2 dense layers.
Optimization function:Adadelta; Learning rate:default; Batch_size:20; Epochs:50; Steps_per_epochs:50; Validation_steps:13; Max acc:0.8428; Max val_acc:0.6618;
Use 4 class of the dataset with 3 convolutional layers (one with 5,5 and the others with 3,3), 2 max pooling layers (2,2), 2 droput and 2 dense layers.
Optimization function:Adam; Learning rate:0.001; Batch_size:16; Epochs:50; Steps_per_epochs:53; Validation_steps:11; Max acc:0.9257; Max val_acc:0.7479;
Use 4 class of the dataset with 3 convolutional layers (one with 5,5 and the others with 3,3), 2 max pooling layers (2,2) and 2 dense layers.
Optimization function:RMSprop; Learning rate:0.0002; Batch_size:32; Epochs:50; Steps_per_epochs:26; Validation_steps:11; Max acc:0.9670; Max val_acc:0.7596;