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Getting Started {#getting_started}

C++ VSM SDK for Universal ground Control Software.

General information {#general_information}

C++ VSM SDK is implemented using C++ language (C++14 standard) which is also a requirement for SDK users code.

VSM SDK uses CMake as its build system to keep it platform independent.

Essentially what CMake does is it wraps the platform specific build commands/files under common interface. Out-of-source builds are supported and recommended.

System requirements {#system_req}

Currently supported build toolchains/compilers and their respective versions are:

  • Python 2.7
  • CMake 3.1.3 or higher
  • Google Protobuf library version 2+


  • Windows 7, 8, 10
  • MinGW-w64 with GCC 5.4+ are recommended.


  • Ubuntu 16.04+
  • GCC 5.4+


  • OSX High Sierra and above
  • Clang Apple LLVM version 9.0.0+

Setting up the build environment {#setting_up}

Below are instructions on how to prepare build environment on Windows and Ubuntu Linux.
After the required components are installed the workflow is identical on all platforms.
Protobuf library must be either built from source or installed as precompiled package.
See for details.



Download and install the latest MinGW-w64 from

Use MinGW installer. When it asks for configuration you should input:

  • Version: 5.4+
  • Architecture: your architecture
  • Threads: posix
  • Exception: dwarf for 32-bits, seh for 64-bits.

Make sure mingw bin directory is added to PATH (E.g. C:\mingw\mingw64\bin)


Get the latest cmake from

Make sure cmake is added to PATH (E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin)


Get the latest Python 2.7 from

Make sure python is added to PATH (E.g. C:\Python27)


Ubuntu 16.04+ has all the required packages in default repositories.

# apt install gcc g++ cmake python2.7 libprotobuf-dev


Your should use install latest XCode. After that you can run CMake in the same way as on other platforms.

IDEs setup (optional) {#ides_setup}

CLion setup


Eclipse setup

You should have the latest Java for eclipse to run.

Some plugins are recommended for the development of VSM SDK itself. They are not required for standalone VSM development.

CMake editor plugin:

UML diagram plugin:

The vsm-cpp-sdk directory includes eclipse project file which is tuned for underlying build system. To use it go to "File/Import/Existing Projects into Workspace" Eclipse project features: -# Same project file can be used on both Linux and Windows. -# Custom Targets to create makefiles and build with one click. -# Source indexer tuned to support C++11 syntax and correct includes. -# Predefined build configurations for win and linux.

Lastly under Project/Properties/C++General/Preprocessor Includes/Providers: Check the "CDT GCC built in compiler settings" checkbox.

Compiling SDK {#compiling_sdk}

OEM manufacturers and enthusiasts are supposed to compile the SDK by themselves so source code is provided for them (, however they are not supposed to modify the SDK sources. If some functionality is missing, it is always worth to contact UgCS and suggest a proposal. Good proposals have a chance to be officially added to the SDK, so everybody can benefit from it.

CMAKE ( cross-platform build system is used by VSM C++ SDK. You can use standard CMake variables to change the build process:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - possible values are "DEBUG" for debug builds and "RELEASE" for release build.
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - change the installation directory of "make install" target. (Default is "/usr/local/" which installs the SDK in directory "/usr/local/opt/vsm-sdk".)

Python 2.6 (or later from branch 2.x) is needed for make file generation.

Building SDK from command line

Assume you are working from your $HOME directory:

  1. Clone the DEPS repository

    git clone
  2. Clone the SDK repository:

    git clone
  3. Make and enter into build directory:

    mkdir -p build/vsm-sdk
    cd build/vsm-sdk
  4. Create make files:

    cmake -DUGCS_INSTALL_DIR=~/install/ -DPROTOBUF_INSTALL_DIR=~/vsm-cpp-deps/toolchain/linux/protobuf/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G"Unix Makefiles" ~/vsm-cpp-sdk
  5. Launch the build:

    cmake --build . -- install

    If build suceeds you'll have VSM SDK installed in directory $HOME/install/opt/vsm-sdk

Proceed to VSM build instructions

Building Ardupilot VSM from command line

Assume you are working from your $HOME directory:

  1. Clone the Ardupilot and common repositories:

    Ardupilot VSM requires vsm-cpp-common repository which includes MAVLINK frameworks which is shared among all VSMs which support MAVLINK protocol.

    git clone
    git clone
  2. Make and enter into build directory:

    mkdir -p build/vsm-ardupilot
    cd build/vsm-ardupilot
  3. Create make files:

    cmake -DVSM_SDK_DIR=$HOME/install/opt/vsm-sdk -DPROTOBUF_INSTALL_DIR=~/vsm-cpp-deps/toolchain/linux/protobuf/ -DCOMMON_SOURCES=$HOME/vsm-cpp-common -G"Unix Makefiles" $HOME/vsm-cpp-ardupilot
  4. Launch the build:

    cmake --build .

    If build suceeds you'll have vsm-ardupilot executable in current directory.

Building VSM SDK for Android

Additional variables should be defined either as environemnt variables or as cmake "defines" via -D option.

  • ANDROID=YES Enables Android specific build

  • ANDROID_NDK should point to Android NDK directory

  • PROTOBUF_SOURCE_ROOT should point to protobuf source. This is needed because protobuf library for android is built form sources.

    cmake -DANDROID=1 -DANDROID_NDK=/opt/android-ndk-r18b -DPROTOBUF_SOURCE_ROOT=/git/protobuf ..

VSM SDK should be installed after compilation as usually. Android native libraries are available in build directory under "android/libs" path after the VSM is built.

Additional CMake and environment variables are accepted for Android build:

  • ANDROID_ABI_LIST can specify semicolon-separated list of target ABI (e.g. "armeabi;armeabi-v7a;x86").
  • ANDROID_PLATFORM can specify target Android platform (e.g. "android-19")


C++11 VSM SDK of UgCS







No packages published


  • C++ 71.9%
  • Python 23.7%
  • CMake 2.6%
  • C 1.8%