Material Design Application for viewing Dota2 Match History and Steam Data using the Steam APIs.
This was one of the larger personal projects as I needed to document the Steam APIs and properly map responses to errors, heroes, items and statuses, all the while conforming to the Steam Service limitations and providing a smooth experience to the user.
To that end, a combination of Android Architectural Components (which was released midway through this project_ was used along with EventBus and JobQueue. Apart from OkHttp caching, Room DB is also used for storing data until they become stale. A wrapper was also written around SharedPreferences so they could be used with LiveData.
- Steam API Library for Java -
- Android Lifecycle, Room and ViewModel
- EventBus
- Priority JobQueue (wrapper for conforming with Steam API service limitations)
- MPAndroid Chart
- Picasso
- Retrofit 2
- MikePenz Material Drawer and FontAwesome
- Dagger 2
- Butterknife
- LeakCanary
- Simple Tooltip
- Android Support, Design, Vector Drawable etc.
- Country Flags Library -
- Java Annotated Validator -