[sudo] pip install python-nest
NOTE The 3.x
version uses the Nest official api. As such some functionality
was removed as it is not available. To keep the old verision make sure to set
your requirements to python-nest<3.0
You will a Nest developer account, and a Product on the Nest developer portal to use this module:
- Visit Nest Developers, and #. Create an account if you don't have one already.
- Fill in account details:
- The "Company Information" can be anything.
- Submit changes.
- Click "Products" at top of page.
- Click "Create New Product"
- Fill in details:
- Product name must be unique.
- The description, users, urls can all be anything you want.
- For permissions, check every box and if it's an option select the read/write option.
- The description requires a specific format to be accepted.
- Click "Create Product".
- Once the new product page opens the "Product ID" and "Product Secret" are located on the right side. These will be used as client_id and client_secret below.
You can import the module as nest.
import nest
client_secret = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
access_token_cache_file = 'nest.json'
nest = nest.Nest(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, access_token_cache_file=access_token_cache_file)
if nest.authorization_required is None:
print('Go to ' + nest.authorize_url + ' to authorize, then enter PIN below')
pin = input("PIN: ")
for structure in napi.structures:
print 'Structure %s' % structure.name
print ' Away: %s' % structure.away
print ' Devices:'
for device in structure.devices:
print ' Device: %s' % device.name
print ' Temp: %0.1f' % device.temperature
# Access advanced structure properties:
for structure in napi.structures:
print 'Structure : %s' % structure.name
print ' Postal Code : %s' % structure.postal_code
print ' Country : %s' % structure.country_code
print ' dr_reminder_enabled : %s' % structure.dr_reminder_enabled
print ' emergency_contact_description : %s' % structure.emergency_contact_description
print ' emergency_contact_type : %s' % structure.emergency_contact_type
print ' emergency_contact_phone : %s' % structure.emergency_contact_phone
print ' enhanced_auto_away_enabled : %s' % structure.enhanced_auto_away_enabled
print ' eta_preconditioning_active : %s' % structure.eta_preconditioning_active
print ' house_type : %s' % structure.house_type
print ' hvac_safety_shutoff_enabled : %s' % structure.hvac_safety_shutoff_enabled
print ' num_thermostats : %s' % structure.num_thermostats
print ' measurement_scale : %s' % structure.measurement_scale
print ' renovation_date : %s' % structure.renovation_date
print ' structure_area : %s' % structure.structure_area
# Access advanced device properties:
for device in structure.devices:
print ' Device: %s' % device.name
print ' Where: %s' % device.where
print ' Mode : %s' % device.mode
print ' Fan : %s' % device.fan
print ' Temp : %0.1fC' % device.temperature
print ' Humidity : %0.1f%%' % device.humidity
print ' Target : %0.1fC' % device.target
print ' Away Heat: %0.1fC' % device.away_temperature[0]
print ' Away Cool: %0.1fC' % device.away_temperature[1]
print ' Eco : %s' % device.eco
print ' hvac_ac_state : %s' % device.hvac_ac_state
print ' hvac_cool_x2_state : %s' % device.hvac_cool_x2_state
print ' hvac_heater_state : %s' % device.hvac_heater_state
print ' hvac_aux_heater_state : %s' % device.hvac_aux_heater_state
print ' hvac_heat_x2_state : %s' % device.hvac_heat_x2_state
print ' hvac_heat_x3_state : %s' % device.hvac_heat_x3_state
print ' hvac_alt_heat_state : %s' % device.hvac_alt_heat_state
print ' hvac_alt_heat_x2_state: %s' % device.hvac_alt_heat_x2_state
print ' hvac_emer_heat_state : %s' % device.hvac_emer_heat_state
print ' online : %s' % device.online
print ' last_ip : %s' % device.last_ip
print ' local_ip : %s' % device.local_ip
print ' last_connection : %s' % device.last_connection
print ' error_code : %s' % device.error_code
print ' battery_level : %s' % device.battery_level
# The Nest object can also be used as a context manager
with nest.Nest(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, access_token_cache_file=access_token_cache_file) as napi:
for device in napi.devices:
device.temperature = 23
# Nest product's can be updated to include other permissions. Before you
# can access with the API, a user has to authorize again. To handle this
# and detect when re-authorization is required, pass in a product_version
client_secret = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
access_token_cache_file = 'nest.json'
product_version = 1337
napi = nest.Nest(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, access_token_cache_file=access_token_cache_file, product_version=product_version)
print("Never Authorized: %s" % napi.never_authorized)
print("Invalid Token: %s" % napi.invalid_access_token)
print("Client Version out of date: %s" % napi.client_version_out_of_date)
if napi.authorization_required is None:
print('Go to ' + napi.authorize_url + ' to authorize, then enter PIN below')
pin = input("PIN: ")
# NOTE: By default all datetime objects are timezone unaware (UTC)
# By passing `local_time=True` to the `Nest` object datetime objects
# will be converted to the timezone reported by nest. If the `pytz`
# module is installed those timezone objects are used, else one is
# synthesized from the nest data
napi = nest.Nest(username, password, local_time=True)
print napi.structures[0].weather.current.datetime.tzinfo
FIXME In the API, temperatures are in all temperature values are in degrees celsius. Helper functions for conversion are in the utils module:
from nest import utils as nest_utils
temp = 23.5
fahrenheit = nest_utils.c_to_f(temp)
temp == nest_utils.f_to_c(fahrenheit)
The utils function use decimal.Decimal to ensure precision.
usage: nest [-h] [--conf FILE] [--token-cache TOKEN_CACHE_FILE] [-t TOKEN]
[-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-c] [-s SERIAL] [-i INDEX]
{temp,fan,mode,away,target,humid,target_hum,show} ...
Command line interface to Nest™ Thermostats
positional arguments:
command help
temp show/set temperature
fan set fan "on" or "auto"
mode show/set current mode
away show/set current away status
target show current temp target
humid show current humidity
target_hum show/set target humidity
specify target humidity value or auto to auto-select a
humidity based on outside temp
show show everything
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--conf FILE config file (default ~/.config/nest/config)
--token-cache TOKEN_CACHE_FILE
auth access token
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
auth access token cache file
-u USER, --user USER username for nest.com
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
password for nest.com
-c, --celsius use celsius instead of farenheit
-s SERIAL, --serial SERIAL
optional, specify serial number of nest thermostat to
talk to
-i INDEX, --index INDEX
optional, specify index number of nest to talk to
# If your nest is not in range mode
nest --user joe@user.com --password swordfish temp 73
# If your nest is in range mode
nest --user joe@user.com --password swordfish temp 66 73
nest --user joe@user.com --password swordfish fan --auto
nest --user joe@user.com --password swordfish target_hum 35
A configuration file can also be specified to prevent username/password repitition.
user = joe@user.com
password = swordfish
token_cache = ~/.config/nest/cache
The [DEFAULT] section may also be named [nest] for convience.
This module was originally a fork of nest_thermostat <https://github.com/FiloSottile/nest_thermostat> which was a fork of pynest <https://github.com/smbaker/pynest