The name is Tyler, I'm a fool who lost his way in the tech world! Currently, trying to find my way back one rabbit hole at a time!
- MillerApps/ - Personal site (1 day ago)
- MillerApps/dotfiles - Possibly the most overkill config setup I've had to date! (2 days ago)
- Achno/gowall - A tool to convert a Wallpaper's color scheme / palette, image to pixel art, color palette extraction, image upsacling with Adversarial Networks and more image processing features (1 week ago)
- MillerApps/homebrew-tap - MillerApps Tap (3 weeks ago)
- Psylar87/ - My Hugo Blog (1 month ago)
- adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs - Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea! (1 month ago)
- MillerApps/luaoutput - My basic nvim plugin for running Lua files in a split! (2 months ago)
- MillerApps/go-journey - My Journey Through Go, using Exercism (9 months ago)
- MillerApps/swift-journey - Excersim Swift (10 months ago)
- MillerApps/dodging-asteroids - 2d space adventure (11 months ago)
- MillerApps/homebrew-tap - MillerApps Tap
- MillerApps/luaoutput - My basic nvim plugin for running Lua files in a split!
- MillerApps/swift-journey - Excersim Swift
- MillerApps/go-journey - My Journey Through Go, using Exercism
- MillerApps/dodging-asteroids - 2d space adventure
- MillerApps/dotfiles - Possibly the most overkill config setup I've had to date!
- MillerApps/decoded -
- MillerApps/MARoundButton -
- MillerApps/Sportsman-Tracker-iOS-Code-Challenge- - A Test application for a the iOS developer Position at Sportsman Tracker
- MillerApps/RecipeBuddyiOS - iOS version for RecipeBuddy School project
- Achno/gowall (v0.2.0, 1 month ago) - A tool to convert a Wallpaper's color scheme / palette, image to pixel art, color palette extraction, image upsacling with Adversarial Networks and more image processing features
- feat: inline with resizing on Achno/gowall (2 weeks ago)
- feat: kitty graphics inline (doesn't rely on kitten icat) #38 on Achno/gowall (2 weeks ago)
- chore: swtich to homebrew-core on Achno/gowall (2 weeks ago)
- feat: install with homebrew on Achno/gowall (3 weeks ago)
- [nix/en] update to string interpolation on adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs (1 month ago)
- [Brew] Add Warp on raycast/extensions (1 year ago)
- Remove a few warnings on trustwallet/trust-wallet-ios (6 years ago)
- Add files via upload on trustwallet/tokens (6 years ago)
- Karabiner Elements hyperKey + v Vim binds (10 months ago)
- Karabiner Elements HyperKey mapped to Caps Lock (10 months ago)
- EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - π Freely available programming books (today)
- mfontanini/presenterm - A markdown terminal slideshow tool (today)
- fish-shell/fish-shell - The user-friendly command line shell. (today)
- ziglang/zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. (2 days ago)
- cristicretu/family-drawer - Pure SwiftUI Family Drawer recreation! (6 days ago)
- go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD (1 week ago)
- apple/swift-collections - Commonly used data structures for Swift (1 week ago)
- LadybirdBrowser/ladybird - Truly independent web browser (1 week ago)
- yorukot/superfile - Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager (1 week ago)
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials (1 week ago)
- Psylar87 (1 week ago)
Not all were used equally, i.e., time used.
Say Hello, I don't bite!
Feel free to share your wisdom, help me stay on course, or simply connect for a fun tech discussion! Can't wait! ππ
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