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Stephan edited this page Aug 11, 2023 · 12 revisions

You have more ideas? Feel free to request additional placeholders in our issue tracker.

The plugin supports these placeholders:

  • %player% - The player's name, as long he had already joined the server once.
  • %uuid% - The player's UUID, e.g. e63cec43-38f5-41d0-b7f3-8593ae0c862f.
  • %_uuid_% - The player's UUID, but without dashes, e.g. e63cec4338f541d0b7f38593ae0c862f.
  • %online% - The count of online players currently on the server.
  • %max% - The maximal player count possible on the server.
  • %random_player% - A random player currently playing on the server.

New placeholders added in ServerListPlus v3.5.0:

  • %last_online_duration%, %last_online_precise_duration%, %last_online_date%, %last_online_datetime% - The duration since the last time the player was online, or the date.
  • %ban_reason% - The reason the player is banned (if banned).
  • %ban_operator% - The operator that banned the player (if banned).
  • %ban_expiration_date%, %ban_expiration_datetime% - When the ban of the player will expire.

There are also placeholders that take an argument when they're used:

  • %online@server%, %online@world% - The count of online players currently on a specific server or world. The first is for BungeeCord, the second one for Bukkit/Spigot. Replace server or world with the name.

Random player list

You can add a list of random player names in a customizable format using this placeholder. The general syntax is: %random_players(@server)(,limit)(|separator)%. This is probably quite confusing first, so let's explain this in detail:

  • The parameters in the brackets are all optional.
  • The server specifies the server or world the player names are taken from.
  • The limit specifies how many players should be displayed at maximum.
  • The separator is inserted between every of the player names. You can specify multiple separators, e.g. to have multiple players on one line (see below).


  • A green player list, with max. 5 players each on his own line:

  • A green player list, with max. 15 players, 3 on each line:

    &a%random_players,15|, |, |
  • A green player list with max. 3 players from the world world, on one line (separated with ,):

    &a%random_players@world,3|, %

Time placeholders and formats

Requires ServerListPlus v3.5.0 or newer.

Quite a few placeholders support time and date formats. The placeholders are: %last_online_duration%, %last_online_precise_duration%, %last_online_date%, %last_online_datetime%, %ban_expiration_date%, %ban_expiration_datetime%.

The general syntax is: %xxx(|format)(@locale)%. Placeholders ending in date (e.g. %last_online_date%), will only display the date, and placeholders ending in datetime will display both date and time (e.g. %ban_expiration_datetime%). This is probably quite confusing first, so let's explain this in detail:

  • The parameters in the brackets are all optional.
  • The format can either be one of short, medium, long, or full, which defines how much of the date is included, like if the month names are also included for example, or a custom datetime format, see for details.
  • The locale defines how the shorthand formats look and also localizes things like weekdays or month names.


  • Prints the date in the default German format:

  • Prints the date in full Spanish format:


Experimental: Requires ServerListPlus v3.5.0 or newer.

On Bukkit, you can use the placeholders provided by PlaceholderAPI (> 2.5k placeholders supported). A full list is available in the PlaceholderAPI Wiki. There are also integrations available for many other plugins.

Important: To avoid conflicts with its own placeholders, ServerListPlus uses the bracket syntax for the PlaceholderAPI placeholders. For example, to print the server uptime, do not use %server_uptime% like suggested in the PlaceholderAPI wiki. Instead use it like the following:

  - |-
    Uptime: {server_uptime}

Otherwise the syntax is the same, and you can use all of the placeholders documented in the PlaceholderAPI wiki with this syntax.

Note: Many placeholders depend on having the player online. It is possible to use some player-specific placeholders in the Personalized section, but not all information is available in that case.

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