Table Tennis Counter is a web application that you can track scores for a ping-pong game. It supports multiple players, keeps track of the match history, and updates scores automatically.
- Add multiple players
- Set the number of balls needed to win a match
- Automatically update scores for each match
- Display current match and scores
- Show match order
- Maintain match history
- Responsive design with a user-friendly interface
- Multi Language Support
Set Winning Balls:
- Enter the number of balls needed to win a match in the input field.
Add Players:
- Enter the player's name in the input field and click the "Add Player" button.
Start Game:
- After adding at least two players, click the "Start Game" button.
Track Scores:
- In the current match section, click the "Score" button next to the player's name to increment their score.
View Scores and History:
- The left section shows the total scores for each player.
- The middle section shows the current match details and allows score incrementing.
- The right section shows the match order and match history.
Match Results:
- When a player wins a match, their total score is incremented, and the next match is automatically set up after a short delay.
Reset Game:
- To reset the game, refresh the page or reload index.html.
Contribution Guide [English] | 贡献指南 [中文]
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.
This project uses or references the following open source projects:
- Sober.js [Official Website] [GitHub]
Sober is a Web Component UI component library that references the Google Material You design specification.
Thanks to these projects and their authors.