- Installed Docker
- Installed Java 8+
- Installed Maven 3.3+
Starting the project:
Edit class and change following paths to your location -> eg. where the hmdb file exists and where to output the sql results
- String file = "/Users/mirekrousal/Downloads/hmdb/hmdb_metabolites.xml";
- String results = "/Users/mirekrousal/Downloads/hmdb/results.sql";
- Would recommend you to have these path pointed to the src/main/resources as drop and create scripts are there and in the next step you'd mount these to the docker image
From command line run following command. Be ready to wait as it takes looong time to generate all the statements. You can check the progress using "tail -f path_to_result/results.sql"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="cz.mirek.hmdb.mysql.parser.Main"
Using the generated commands in mysql:
Starting docker container with the MySQL db
- would recommend you to run this from the top of the project location as the drop and create scripts will be mapped from there.
docker run -v $(pwd)/src/main/resources:/scripts -v $(pwd)/docker-data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=start123 -d mysql:latest
docker ps
-> to see the docker container iddocker exec -it INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
now you're in the container and you can run following commands to drop / create tables and insert data:
mysql -u root -p < dropTables.sql
mysql -u root -p < createDatabase.sql
mysql -u root -p < results.sql
selecting data from the Docker command line:
mysql -u root -p
use metabolomics;
show tables;
select * from TABLE_YOU_WANT;
... refer to the MySQL documentation for possible queries.