This repository contains the source code of our paper "InstUPR: Instruction-based Unsupervised Passage Reranking with Large Language Models".
We propose InstUPR, a framework for effective passage reranking without requiring any training data for reranking.
InstUPR, based on flan-t5-xl, outperforms the best unsupervised method, i.e., UPR, and supervised methods, e.g., TART-rerank. It also achieves identical performance to the state-of-the-art supervised method Mono-T5.
The source code released here enables user to reproduce all experimental results by following the provided scripts.
- Python >= 3.8
- transformers
- torch
- pyserini
- trec_eval
Please install all required packages listed in requirements.txt
by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We use the BEIR benchmark and the TREC DL19 and DL20 datasets in our experiments. Since we utilize the BM25 retrieval results from Pyserini for reranking, we recommend using Pyserini's 2CR commands to perform BM25 retrieval from their pre-built index. We provide a script to run BM25 retrieval on all datasets and convert them to our desired format (DPR format):
You can also download the preprocessed data from our Google Drive (7.7GB).
After running BM25 retrieval, you can perform pointwise reranking on the top-100 passages using InstUPR with the following command:
This script will perform pointwise reranking on the top-100 passages for each query in the BEIR benchmark and the TREC DL19 and DL20 datasets.
To evaluate the reranking results, you need to install the trec_eval
tool. We provide a script to evaluate the reranking results:
python3 \
outputs/pointwise/dl19-passage_flan-t5-xl/rank0.json \
--trec_eval \
--dataset dl19-passage \
--softmax \
--output_file outputs/pointwise/dl19-passage_flan-t5-xl/reranked.json
This command will evaluate the reranking results and save the reranked results in the output file.
After running pointwise reranking, you can perform pairwise reranking to the reranked passages using InstUPR with the following command:
This script will perform pairwise reranking on the reranked passages for each query in the BEIR benchmark and the TREC DL19 and DL20 datasets. Note that this script reranks the top-30 passages for each query. You can adjust this number by changing the --topk-passages
argument in the script.
Evaluation is the same as the pointwise reranking evaluation.
With our source code, you should be able to reproduce the results shown in the table. InstUPR outperforms unsupervised reranker (UPR) and specialized supervised rerankers (TART-rerank), and performs comparably to the state-of-the-art reranker MonoT5-3B, while using FLAN-T5-xl which is also a 3B model.
If you find our work useful, please consider citing our paper:
title={InstUPR : Instruction-based Unsupervised Passage Reranking with Large Language Models},
author={Chao-Wei Huang and Yun-Nung Chen},