This Telematics App is developed by Damoov and is distributed free of charge. This app can be used to create your own telematics app for Android in few steps.
- Telematics SDK - mobile telematics engine.
- Dashboard
- Feed
- Trip Details
- Leaderboard
- My Rewards
Create an account and get
auth keys to work with the telematics SDK & APIs. How to obtain InsanceId & InstanceKey => -
Additionally, to authenticate users in your app and store users data, you need to create a firebase account: All user data will be stored in the Firebase© Realtime Database, which will allow you to create an app users database without programming skills.
Here you can find a short video guide, how to launch Android Open-Source Telematics app:
Step 1: After creating your Firebase© account, open your console:
Click "Create a project" button.
Step 2: Enter the name of your future Project. Click "Continue" button.
Step 3: For ease of integration, at the next step, we recommend deactivating the "Enable Google Analytics" checkbox.
Click "Create project".
Step 4: Now you need to create a configuration for your Android app. Click on the "Android" as it us
shown on the picture below:
Step 5: Enter your Android Package Name. Enter the SHA-1 key, this identifier must be used in your
application in Android Studio. Click "Register app" then.
Step 6: To connect your Firebase you need to add the google-services.json
to project_directory\app
. Final file path: project_directory\app\google-services.json
Step 7: You can skip the "Add Firebase SDK" & "Add initialization code" steps below, because we
already did it for you in our Telematics App:) Finish the setup and click on "Continue to console".
Step 8: Important. In order for your users to create accounts to log into your app, you need to go
to "Authentication" section on the left side of the menu.
Step 9: In the "Sign-in method" tab, click on the Provider's "Email/Password" on the right " pencil" (Edit configuration hint) as in the picture below. If you need to perform authorization using the "Phone" Provider - select the setting of this item.
Step 10: Switch to "Enable" and click "Save" button. Now your users can login to the app.
Step 11: We need to activate Firebase© Realtime Database. This will allow you to store the data of all your users in this simple web interface. Go to the Realtime Database section on the left side of the menu and click on the "Create Database" button.
Step 12: Choose any Realtime Database location value.
Step 13: Select "Start a locked mode" and click the "Enable" button.
Step 14: Now you need to change rules for your Realtime Database. You need to go to “Realtime Database” section on the left side of the menu. In the “Rules” tab change read and write fields to “auth.uid != null”.
Step 15: Open our TelematicsApp in Android Studio, make sure to transfer the google-services.json
file to project_directory\app (See Step 5 above) and Enjoy!
Build & Run!
In file AppConfig.kt you can specify the basic settings for your app.
To use your unique applicationId for your application, change applicationIdPrefix and name:
const val applicationIdPrefix = "com.your_application_prefix"
private const val name = "your_application_name"
To work with our API use InstanceId and InstanceKey
from :
To set application label change app_name in strings.xml in app module:
To set Privacy Policy change PRIVACY_POLICY in AppConfig.kt file :
example ""
To set Terms Of Use change PRIVACY_POLICY in AppConfig.kt file :
To set application icon, find the content module icon in resource folders (res/mipmap, res/mipmap-hdpi, etc.) and replace it. And for change background icon color set ic_launcher_background in color.xml: #your_color
We are using the Gradle auto build system.
The Telematics SDK is installed automatically in the Telematics app. After downloading this
application for the first time, you need to run the Sync Project with Gradle Files
command. This
will install the required dependency libraries for the application to function properly. To upgrade
the Telematics SDK version, go to the Versions
file ( module: buildSrc) and change
the const val trackingApi
parameter. This repository will always use the current version of the
Telematics SDK.
An important part to record user's trips is to properly request permissions to use the user's
Location and Motion & Fitness activity. Telematics SDK includes a specially designed Wizard
helps the user explain why the application needs it and make the right choice.
Note: this wizard is fully cutomizable, you can find the documentation
For use your own icon to the notification, place your own icons to res/drawable (module: content)
folders with the following
names: ic_tracking_sdk_status_bar.png
, ic_tracking_sdk_notification.png
For change Wizard next button background color you need edit layout_telematics_wizard_page.xml
modile: data).
We have created a special Framework that allows you to
receive deviceToken
, jwToken
& refreshToken
for full integration with our services. These keys
are required to make calls to our APIs.
LoginAuth Framework
is already integrated into this Telematics App. After downloading this
application for the first time, you need to run the Sync Project with Gradle Files
command. This
will install the required dependency libraries for the application to function properly. To upgrade
the Telematics SDK version, go to the Versions
file ( module: buildSrc) and change
the const val loginAuthFramework
parameter. This repository will always use the current version of
the LoginAuthFramework.
You can find complete information about LoginAuth Framework in our
In the next few simple steps, we'll show you how easy it is to create access keys in the Google Cloud Console.
Step 1: After # your Google account open
Step 2: Create new project in Google Cloud
Step 3: Set billing for this project:
Note: use of maps is free
Step 4: Enable MapsSDK for
Step 5: Go to the Google Maps Platform → Credentials page → Create credentials → API key.
Step 6: After API key is created, copy it to GOOGLE_MAP_API parameter in AppConfig.kt file.
More info here:
Our goal is to provide your users with a user-friendly interface to get the best user experience.
To get the first data, user usually needs to drive a short distance. We set this parameter in the
configuration file AppConfig.kt
in parameter
const val DASHBOARD_DISTANCE_LIMIT = "10" //measured in km
The Trips screen displays the trips users have made.
The Telematics SDK allows users to change their role for any trip.
Use the following string values below!
- OriginalDriver
- Passenger
- Bus
- Motorcycle
- Train
- Taxi
- Bicycle
- Other
Depending on your product use cases, you can also use our Tags feature. You can learn more about it here: We also offer you a convenient interface for switching certain tags for each trip.
The Telematics SDK allows users to add specific uniquetags
to any ride for ease of use.
For example, by adding tag options to any trip, you will be able to mark specific trips for
Business/Personal or other options.
NOTE: you can use DEL
tag and hide the trips marked by it in the app. These trips will be shown in
DataHub on List of Trips page with a special mark that these trips were hidden in the app.
You can learn more about these services by following to our docs:
All 9 types of Leaderboard are presented in the Telematics App and you can figure out which of these options you actually need.
Note! Only users who have trips during latest 14 days participate in Leaderboard. Use placeholders for new and lost users.
Our telematics app allows you to work with DriveCoins and Streaks for each user:
You can learn more about these services by following to our docs: DriveCoins - Streaks -
In detail, you can see the work with methods for rewards in the Telematics App source code in the DriveCoins section.
In the new version of the app, we have provided the ability to select Tracking Mode in Settings.
There may be 3 options - Automatic Tracking
, On-Demand Tracking
, Tracking disabled
TheOn-Demand Tracking
provides an updated Dashboard
by applying and programmatically increasing
Constraints in InterfaceBuilder and a special method for increasing the vertical dimensions of the
DashboardController.m file. In this Mode, the user can create a Job for himself.
is a specific tag identifier that will be added for 1 or any number of trips made by the
user. The user must necessarily start a certain job or order, and complete it accordingly. In the
future, when the trip is enriched on our backend-side, the app will receive statistics for
this JobName
tag. The user will see the number of trips made for this task, the rating of
maneuverability, risk score, etc. All this is available in a new section on our Dashboard
On-Demand Tracking
is great for any business like delivery service, taxi and many others.
Currently, this Mode will be an integral part of the Telematics App and provide you with a new
experience of integrations and work options.
In the Telematics App source code, we show you an option to clear user data after logging out. Do
not forget - to stop tracking and record user trips, you need to explicitly
This can be done using Telematics SDK method:
trackingApi.setEnableSdk(false) //disable SDK
trackingApi.clearDeviceID() //Clear DeviceToken
You can also disable Telematics SDK with the trips uploading to upload already recorded and stored on the device trips to Damoov platform. Learn more about available SDK methods here:
Telematics App provides you with the optional functionality to connect the app with an OBD vehicle adapter using Bluetooth® technology. OBD adapter is a small device that plugs into the CAN-port of your car.
Telematics App created by Damoov, has a full range of functionality that allows you to read almost any information and indicators from your vehicle, and add it to trips recorded by the Telematics App on iOS/Android. Connecting and disconnecting to your Android device happens automatically. OBD adapter can detect accidents.
Detailed documentation and the basic principles of operation can be found in the development portal To fully work with this functionality, you need additional equipment, which we can provide upon your request.
Official API services web-page