This repository is for showing the design of MR backend REST project structure.
App config is defined by environment variables. Each variable should be written in UPPER_CASE.
Every allowed/required variable should be defined and described in example.env
Main file (which app uses to parse variables with dotenv library) is .env
Each environment variable should be mapped and validated in related script under ./src/config
Thanks to well-defined example.env we can easily set up development environment
by one command which copies example.env
into .env
cp example.env .env
We would like to deploy app with docker that's why we have Dokerfile
It is defined as 2-step process which allows us to release docker image with only required dependencies for running it in production.
That's why whenever we have to install any npm dependency we should use proper installation command
npm i package - package is required for production eg. some core lib used in services
npm i -D package - package is required only for development eg. library @types
Application probably will use some external services like database.
Each service that is available on dockerhub should be defined in docker-compose for easy project startup.
Thanks to that we can just start all required backend services by
docker-compose up
NOTE: docker-compose will load .env
file thanks to that all variables will come from the same source.
Install required dependencies with
npm i
After that you can start backend in development mode
npm run dev
For database management we will use MikroORM.
MikroORM config is placed in ./src/mikro-orm.config.ts
as typescript file which allows us to use in it
env variables mapped in config
Any database table/column/constraint name should be written in snake_case (as sql in case insensitive).
In short:
- table names -> plural (users, user_comments)
- column names -> singular (email, is_blocked, created_at)
To manage database during development we have script in package.json which uses MikroORM-cli under the hood
To list all available db commands
npm run db -- -h
To generate migration file based on entities changes (command will ask for file name bt prompt)
npm run db -- migration:create
To run pending migrations
npm run db -- migration:up
To enforce the same code style for project we are using eslint with prettier.
Thanks to husky+list-staged libraries combo linting will be executed after every commit. To run linter
npm run lint
To run linter with auto fix base errors
npm run lint:fix
Directories and files should be named using kebab-case to avoid problems with case sensitivity across OS.
We will use Vertical Slice Architecture which means that we're organizing code across a feature rather than layers. The focus is on features and capabilities rather than technical concerns. Coupling is limited by the scope of the feature and the size of the vertical slice.
All project source files that you should care of should be placed under `./src` directory which are:
- common - any data that is used across multiple modules
- config - validation and mapping env variables
- migrations - database migration files
- modules - core application parts
- scripts - scripts that can be called by cli
- test-utils - util functions used only in tests across all project (will be purged during project build and won't be available in dist)
- main.ts - server setup and startup
- mikro-orm.config.ts - MikroORM config file
Each module should look like:
├──app.module - merges and parses all application modules
├──app.controller - root endpoint for health check and version display
├──__test__ - test utils related to module
│ └──cats.utils.ts
├──entities - MikroORM entities
│ └──cat.entity.ts
├──dtos - dtos that can be returned by endpoints
│ └──cat.dto.ts
├──endpoints - each endpoint should be placed in separate file containing class with handler method which describes endpoint properties
│ ├──create-cat.mutation.ts
│ └──create-cat.mutation.e2e.test.ts - every endpoint should have dedicated test file which tests every response edge case
├──services - stores shared logic used across endpoints
│ └──cats.service.ts
├──cats.constant.ts - stores constant data related to module like errors or validation decorators
└──cats.module.ts - merges all module providers (entities, endpoints, services)
Every endpoint should be tested with e2e tests that covers every of it's allowed responses.
To run e2e tests call:
npm run test:e2e