simple PHP blog
A BitBlog ("weblog") is a simple online journal that can be run by a single person and provides regular updates (blog posts) on various topics.
and presents posts in reverse chronological order , and written with PHP 8.1
- PHP 8.1.10
List the ready features here:
- create , read , update and delete posts
- Change Status (enable or disable)
- Create & Edit Categories
- View Details
Install XAMPP or WAMPP
Open XAMPP Control panal and start [apache] and [mysql] .
Download project from github(
OR follow gitbash commandsi>cd C:\xampp\htdocs\
ii>git clone
extract files in C:\xampp\htdocs.
open link localhost/phpmyadmin
click on new at side navbar.
give a database name as (bit-blog) hit on create button.
after creating database name click on import.
browse the file in directory [BitBlog/assets/database/bit-blog.sql].
after importing successfully.
open any browser and type http://localhost/BitBlog/
first register and then login
admin login details:
- Email =
- Password = 123456
php -S localhost:8000
Project is: complete
Created by @MobinaJafarian - feel free to contact me!