OpenEnergyMonitor hardware is open source hardware. This github repository hosts all the Eagle schematic and board files for the hardware units in addition to images for quick access.
- emonTx SMT V3 - Latest generation of the emonTx Arduino compatible low power wireless energy monitoring node
- emonTx Through-hole V2 - A low-power wireless energy-monitoring node - Arduino compatible
- emonTx Shield SMT - An Arduino compatible energy monitoring shield
- emonTx Shield Through-hole - A wireless energy monitoring Arduino compatible shield
- emonTH - Temperature and humidity monitoring node
- emonGLCD - Wireless open-source graphical LCD display unit - Arduino compatible
12 Input Pulse Counter - De# development for a 12-input puse counter for interfacing with 12 utility meters. 12 Input Pulse counter development notes and documentation can be found on the main OpenEnergyMonitor site here
Hardware designs (schematics and CAD) files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License and follow the terms of the OSHW (Open-source hardware) Statement of Principles 1.0.
The hardware design above are also hosted on solderpad: