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This Repository contains the verification of a Synchronous FIFO design using SystemVerilog and SystemVerilogAssertions

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Synchronous FIFO Verification

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This project involves the verification of a Synchronous FIFO design using SystemVerilog. The goal was to ensure the correctness of the design by implementing a comprehensive testbench, including coverage, assertions, and various checks to verify underflow, overflow, and other edge conditions.

Key Features of the FIFO:

  • FIFO_WIDTH: Data in/out and memory word width (default: 16)
  • FIFO_DEPTH: Memory depth (default: 8)


Port Direction Function
data_in Input Write Data: The input data bus used when writing the FIFO.
wr_en Input Write Enable: If the FIFO is not full, asserting this signal causes data to be written in.
rd_en Input Read Enable: If the FIFO is not empty, asserting this signal causes data to be read out.
clk Input Clock signal.
rst_n Input Active low asynchronous reset.
data_out Output Read Data: The sequential output data bus used when reading from the FIFO.
full Output Full Flag: Indicates that the FIFO is full.
almostfull Output Almost Full: Indicates that only one more write can be performed before the FIFO is full.
empty Output Empty Flag: Indicates that the FIFO is empty.
almostempty Output Almost Empty: Indicates that only one more read can be performed before the FIFO is empty.
overflow Output Indicates that a write request was rejected because the FIFO is full.
underflow Output Indicates that a read request was rejected because the FIFO is empty.
wr_ack Output Write Acknowledge: Indicates that a write request succeeded.


  • If both rd_en and wr_en are high, the FIFO will prioritize writing if empty and reading if full.
  • The FIFO de#cludes checks for underflow and overflow conditions.

Verification Plan

The detailed Verification Plan is included in the Documentation.

Testbench Flow:

  1. The top module generates the clock and passes it to the interface.
  2. The testbench (tb) resets the FIFO, randomizes the inputs, and asserts the test_finished signal at the end.
  3. A monitor is used to sample data from the interface, check for correct output, and calculate functional coverage.

Key Modules:

  • FIFO_transaction: Handles the transactions for the FIFO operations.
  • FIFO_scoreboard: Compares the design output with a reference model and counts errors.
  • FIFO_coverage: Collects functional coverage using a covergroup for wr_en, rd_en, and the FIFO control signals.

Functional Coverage:

Cross-coverage between write enable, read enable, and all control output signals is implemented to ensure that all possible states of the FIFO are exercised during verification.


Assertions are added to all output flags (except data_out) and internal counters to ensure correct behavior. Conditional compilation is used to guard these assertions.

Repository Structure:

├── design/                               # Contains the RTL design files for the FIFO
│   └──
├── verification/                         # Verification-related files
│   ├──                        # FIFO Interface
│   ├──                    # Configuration file for verification environment
│   ├──               # Handles transaction details for verification
│   ├──                # Compares DUT outputs with reference model
│   ├──                  # Functional coverage collection
│   ├──                    # Drives stimulus to the DUT
│   ├──                   # Monitors and checks the DUT outputs
│   ├──                     # Agent combining driver and monitor
│   ├──                 # Sequencer for controlling stimulus generation
│   ├──                      # Test file that runs the verification
│   ├──                       # Top-level module for running the simulation
│   └──                       # SystemVerilog Assertions for the design
└──                             # Project documentation

Getting Started


  • QuestaSim/Mentor Graphics for simulation.
  • SystemVerilog for verification.

Running the Testbench:

  1. Compile the design and testbench files using your simulator.
  2. Run the FIFO_TEST module to start the simulation.
  3. Check the simulation results and coverage report for 100% functional and code coverage.

Eng. Kareem Waseem

  • This is the 1st project of Digital Verification using SystemVerilog and UVM Diploma (Version 6) by Eng. Kareem Waseem (Digital Verification Team Lead at Si-Vision), I highly recommend this diploma for everyone interested or working in Digital Verification.
  • Skills I gained from this diploma.
  • Eng. Kareem's LinkedIn.
  • For updates check out the facebook group.

Contact Me!


This Repository contains the verification of a Synchronous FIFO design using SystemVerilog and SystemVerilogAssertions







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