I am a robotics engineer currently based in Luxembourg. I am passionate about control systems, computer vision, automation and robotics development. Currently I work as a doctoral researcher in the SpaceR research group at SnT, University of Luxembourg.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ROS developement for in-orbital robotic manipulation scenarios
- 🌱 I’m currently learning the ROS2 framework
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on research projects involving robotic grasping control and/or soft robotic applications in locomotion and gripping.
- 💬 Ask me about control algorithms (force , null-space and adaptive-fuzzy), additive and subtractive manufacturing and Industrial Automation
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with robotic application development, hard and soft-robot design, robot-deployment and commisioning.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- email: makhdoomimohtashim@gmail.com
- skype: mohtashem.makhdoomi
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/mohtashem-reyaz-m-21049282
- Emulating On-Orbit Interactions Using Forward Dynamics Based Cartesian Motion
- Hardware-in-the-loop Proximity Operations in Cislunar Space
- Safety-Enhanced Human-Robot Interaction Control of Redundant Robot for Teleoperated Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Development of a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Based Assistive Hand
- Development and performance evaluation of a linear actuator based wearable assistive device
- An Assistive Robotic Hand Based on Human Computer Interface (HCI) and Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuator
- Autonomous Navigation based on ROS Navigation Stack
- ROS based tele-operated mecanum wheeled Robot
- Simple Robot Milling Trial Simulation
- Alternating Pick and Place using two Cobots Simulation
- Robot Sanding Trial Simulation
- Simple Robot Pick and Place using compliant suction gripper
- CAD Low cost Quasi Direct Drive Actuator(Planetary gear drive)
- Soft Robotic Gripper attempts
- Milling Process for Mould of silicone gripper
- Silicone robot gripper 1: Mixing Silicone with Aluminium Hydroxide and Coloring
- Silicone robot gripper 2: Adding hardener to the mixture
- Silicone robot gripper 3: Putting the paste in the mould
- Silicone robot gripper 4: Letting the paste take shape of the mould
- Silicone robot gripper 5: Trial 1 - Basic finger curl
- Silicone robot gripper 6: Inspired by fish tail fin