A friendly bot that talks to you on Discord and listens to your commands
Bot name - DiscordBot
Invite link - https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=708750207114018856&permissions=0&scope=bot
The bot replies to a "Hi" with a "Hey"
The bot will search for the user provided query on Google and return top 5 links for the same. For example, if you want the bot to search for "real madrid", issue the command -
!google real madrid
The bot will maintain a cache of the user's search history.
If we query for a word in the search history, the bot will return the previosuly searched terms which match the word
Usage -
!recent madrid # This will return "real madrid" as it was searched earlier and was stored in the user's history
redis-server and redis-cli
[Optional] To ensure that the process running the bot is highly available, it is advisable to use tools like supervisor
Refer to sample_supervisord.conf for sample configuration required to orchestrate the process running the bot through supervisor
Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies present in requirements.txt
Create a file titled .env in the folder containing the bot.py and add the following line to it-
Once the virtual environment is activated and all the dependencies are installed, and the .env file is setup
Navigate to the discord-bot folder and execute the python script bot.py
python bot.py
Else if using supervisor, simply run -
sudo supervisorctl start discord_bot