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This repository contains a Python implementation of a feedforward neural network for classifying the Fashion-MNIST dataset using NumPy.


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Fashion MNIST Classifier


In this repository, I have implemented a feedforward neural network for classifying the Fashion-MNIST dataset using only the NumPy library. The implementation is object-oriented and includes classes for the data loader, activation functions, loss functions, neural layers, and the feedforward neural network itself.


The Fashion-MNIST dataset is a well-known benchmark dataset in the machine learning community. It was created as a drop-in replacement for the MNIST dataset, which had become too easy for modern machine learning algorithms. The Fashion-MNIST dataset is more challenging and realistic because it contains images of clothing items instead of handwritten digits.

The dataset consists of 70,000 images of 28x28 pixels. There are 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images. Each image represents one of 10 different classes of clothing items, including T-shirts/tops, trousers, pullovers, dresses, coats, sandals, shirts, sneakers, bags, and ankle boots.

Data Loader

The DataLoader class is responsible for loading the dataset into memory and providing batches of data during training and testing. It takes the data and labels arrays, batch size, and shuffle flag as input. The __iter__ method returns a tuple of numpy arrays of size (batch_size, image_size) and (batch_size, ), representing a batch of images and their corresponding labels, respectively.

Activation Functions

The ActivationFunction is an abstract class that defines the interface for the activation functions used in the neural network. The __compute_value method computes the activation function value for a given input matrix, and the derivative method computes the derivative of the activation function. The __call__ method calls the __compute_value method.

The following activation functions are implemented as subclasses of ActivationFunction:

  • Identical

    The Identical activation function returns the input matrix as is. It is used as the last activation function in the neural network to output the predicted class probabilities.

  • Relu

    The Relu activation function returns the max of 0 and the input matrix. It is commonly used as an activation function in neural networks because it is fast to compute and prevents the vanishing gradient problem.

  • LeakyRelu

    The LeakyRelu activation function returns the max of 0 and the input matrix plus a small negative slope. It is a variant of the Relu activation function that prevents the dying ReLU problem by allowing a small gradient for negative input values.

  • Sigmoid

    The Sigmoid activation function returns the sigmoid of the input matrix. It is commonly used as an activation function in binary classification problems because it maps the input values to a probability between 0 and 1.

  • Softmax

    The Softmax activation function returns the softmax of the input matrix. It is used to output the predicted class probabilities in multi-class classification problems by normalizing the output values to sum up to 1.

Cross Entropy Loss

The CrossEntropy class computes the cross-entropy loss between the true labels and the predicted class probabilities. It has a __compute_value method to compute the loss value and a derivative method to compute the derivative of the loss function. The cross-entropy loss is a common choice for multi-class classification problems because it penalizes incorrect predictions more heavily than correct predictions.

Neural Layer

The NeuralLayer class defines a single layer of the neural network. It takes the input size, number of neurons, activation function, and weight initialization method as input. It has a forward method to compute the output of the layer given an input and a update_weights method to update the layer weights during backpropagation. The weights are initialized using the specified weight initialization method, which can be either random or zero.

Feed Forward NN

The FeedForwardNN class defines the feedforward neural network. It takes the input shape as input and has methods to add layers, set the training parameters, perform forward pass, and train the network. The fit method trains the network for a given number of epochs using the training data and optionally evaluates the network on the test data after each epoch. The forward method performs the forward pass through the entire network. The add_layer method adds a new layer to the network with the specified number of neurons, activation function, and weight initialization method. The set_training_param method sets the loss function and learning rate for the network.


The code block initializes a feedforward neural network, adds four layers with 20 neurons each, sets the training parameters, and trains the network using the Fashion-MNIST dataset. The number of epochs is set to 25, and the batch size is set to 32. The fit method returns a log of the training and test losses and accuracies for each epoch. The training and test losses and accuracies are plotted using Matplotlib.

The training process involves adjusting the weights of the neural network using backpropagation, a method for computing the gradients of the loss function with respect to the weights. The gradients are used to update the weights in the direction that minimizes the loss function. The learning rate controls the step size of the weight updates, and the batch size determines the number of samples used to compute each gradient update.


In summary, I have implemented a feedforward neural network to classify the Fashion-MNIST dataset using NumPy library. I have defined classes for the data loader, activation functions, loss functions, neural layers, and the neural network itself. I have trained the network using backpropagation and evaluated its performance using the test data. The implementation can be extended and customized for other machine learning problems


This repository contains a Python implementation of a feedforward neural network for classifying the Fashion-MNIST dataset using NumPy.




