This is an android application for help remember accounts.
Copyright (C) 2014 Moonshile (
###Shortcuts of Failword###
- Launch page
To #, you need a GLOBAL KEY, which is set the first time you #. You must NOT forget your global key or you will loose all you data, for Failword will NOT save it. In addition, your use of Failword means that you agree the AGREEMENT.
- Edit Page
Edit page is for addition or update of records. This page is opened by clicking ADD button in the right top corner of Main Page. All inputs in this page could be blank.
- Main Page
All you data are put in this page. You can search a record you want with its tag, and then it will show you all similar records, which might in fact have the same tag. By clicking a single item, you can view its detail in Detail Page.
- Detail Page
This page show you detail of a record you clicked. Touch the dark area to watch real information of the record. Long click the DELETE button to delete this record.
- Others
You can back up all your records with suffix ".failword" in a directory to your sd-card. The import option item will import the latest back-up, and if you want another back-up, just open it with Failword as text format. Failword will automatically merge the same records.