Python project to cleanup pipelines in gitlab
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This project has been tested on CentOS 7.6 with GitLab 11.5.* and OpenLDAP and Active Directory.
Python : 3.4.9
pip3 : 8.1.2
python-gitlab : 1.8.0
You could either install requirements system wide or use virtual environment / conda, choose your poison.
To get this up and running you just need to do the following :
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install requirements
pip3 install -r ./gitlab-pipelines-cleaner/requirements.txt
- Edit config.json with youe values
EDITOR ./gitlab-pipelines-cleaner/config.json
- Start the script and enjoy your sync users and groups being synced
cd ./gitlab-pipelines-cleaner && ./
You should get something like this :
Initializing gitlab-pipelines-cleaner.
Updating logger configuration
[Timestamp] [INFO] Connecting to GitLab
[Timestamp] [INFO] Done.
[Timestamp] [INFO] Going through all groups and projects
[Timestamp] [INFO] Deleting pipeline <pipeline id> for project <project name>
[Timestamp] [INFO] Deleting pipeline <pipeline id> for project <project name>
[Timestamp] [INFO] Deleting pipeline <pipeline id> for project <project name>
[Timestamp] [INFO] Deleting pipeline <pipeline id> for project <project name>
You could add the script in a cron to run it periodically.
How to configure config.json
"log_level": "INFO", // The log level.
"log":"/tmp/gitlab-pipelines-cleaner.log", // Where to store the log file. If not set, will log to stdout.
"gitlab": {
"api": "", // Url of your GitLab.
"private_token": "", // Token generated in GitLab for an user with admin access.
"oauth_token": "",
"groups": [], // List of groups to clean up. If empty, all groups are cleaned up.
"projects": [], // List of project to clean up. If empty, all projects are cleaned up.
"status_autodelete":[], // List of pipeline status to clean up. If empty pipeline in any status are cleaned up.
"to_keep": 1 // Number of pipelines to keep
You should use private_token
or oauth_token
but not both. Check the gitlab documentation for how to generate the personal access token.
You can use groups
or project
but not both. This is to avoid passing multiple time on projects.
can be a list with the following status running
, pending
, success
, failed
, canceled
, skipped
See for an updated list of pipeline status.
By default we keep one pipeline for each status.
- Implement time based selection (cleanup only if older than XXX)
- Make to_keep work for each status in status_autodelete
- Your suggestions
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Jean-François GUILLAUME (Jeff MrBear) - Initial work - MrBE4R
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used