An unofficial, fully typed python interface for building .d2 diagram files in python.
pip install py-d2
from py_d2 import D2Diagram, D2Shape, D2Connection, D2Style
shapes = [
D2Shape(name="shape_name1", style=D2Style(fill="red")),
D2Shape(name="shape_name2", style=D2Style(fill="blue"))]
connections = [
D2Connection(shape_1="shape_name1", shape_2="shape_name2")
diagram = D2Diagram(shapes=shapes, connections=connections)
with open("graph.d2", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
produces the following graph.d2 file:
shape_name1: {
style: {
fill: red
shape_name2: {
style: {
fill: blue
shape_name1 -> shape_name2
This can be rendered using d2 graph.d2 graph.svg && open graph.svg
or to produce
See the tests for more detailed usage examples.
- Shapes (nodes)
- Connections (links)
- Styles
- Containers (nodes/links in nodes)
- Shapes in shapes
- Arrow directions
- Markdown / block strings / code in shapes
- Icons in shapes
- Support for empty labels
- SQL table shapes
- Class shapes
- Comments
following the steps below to setup the project:
# Clone the repository
git clone && cd py-d2
# Install all dependencies
poetry install --sync --all-extras --with dev,test,coverage
# install git hook scripts for development
pre-commit install
# Install dependencies with group 'dev'、'test' for development
poetry install --with dev,test
# Only install required dependencies for production
poetry install
There are some useful commands for development:
# Run the example
poetry run example
# Debug with ipdb3
poetry run ipdb3 ./src/py_d2/
# Code test
poetry run pytest -s
# Run default coverage test
poetry run tox
# Run example project coverage test at python 3.9 and 3.10
poetry run tox -e py{39,310}-py-d2
# Lint with black
poetry run black ./src --check
# Format code with black
poetry run black ./src
# Check with mypy
poetry run mypy ./src
# Check import order with isort
poetry run isort ./src --check
# Lint with flake8
poetry run flake8 ./src