Open Source Identity and Access Management for modern Applications and Services.
For more information about Keycloak visit Keycloak homepage and Keycloak blog.
Ensure you have JDK 8 (or newer), Maven 3.1.1 (or newer) and Git installed
java -version
mvn -version
git --version
First clone the Keycloak repository:
git clone
cd keycloak
To build Keycloak run:
mvn install
This will build all modules and run the testsuite.
To build the distribution run:
mvn install -Pdistribution
Once completed you will find distribution archives in distribution
To start Keycloak during development first build as specified above, then run:
mvn -f testsuite/utils/pom.xml exec:java -Pkeycloak-server
To start Keycloak from the server distribution first build the distribution it as specified above, then run:
tar xfz distribution/server-dist/target/keycloak-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd keycloak-<VERSION>
To stop the server press Ctrl + C
If you've found a security vulnerability, please look at the instructions on how to properly report it
- Documentation - User Guide, Admin REST API and Javadocs
- User Mailing List - Mailing list to ask for help and general questions about Keycloak
- JIRA - Issue tracker for bugs and feature requests
- Developer documentation
- Hacking on Keycloak - How to become a Keycloak contributor
- Testsuite - Details about testsuite, but also how to quickly run Keycloak during development and a few test tools (OTP generation, LDAP server, Mail server)
- Database Testing - How to do testing of Keycloak on different databases
- Updating Database - How to change the Keycloak database
- Changing the Default keycloak-subsystem Configuration - How to update the default keycloak-subsystem config
- Developer Mailing List - Mailing list to discuss development of Keycloak