Welcome to the Chatting App repository! This project is a real-time chatting application that allows users to communicate with each other in private or group chats.
- User Authentication: Users can # or log in to access the app's features.
- Private Chats: Users can send private messages to other users.
- Group Chats: Coming soon :)
- Real-Time Communication: The app utilizes Socket.io for real-time messaging.
- Message History: Users can view their chat history with other users.
- User Online Status: Users can see if other users are currently online.
- File Sharing: Users can send and receive files within chat messages.
- User Profile Customization: Users can change their username, photo, or display name. Usernames are unique.
- User Search: Users can search for other users by their usernames.
The Chatting App is built using the following technologies and frameworks:
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Backend: Node.js with Express.js for server-side development.
- Real-Time Communication: Socket.io for enabling real-time messaging.
- Database: MongoDB for storing user information and chat history.
Contributions to the Chatting App project are welcome! If you find any bugs or want to add new features, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.