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A Python framework for generating multilayer networks with planted mesoscale structure.


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multilayerGM (Version 0.1.0)

This code implements the method for generating multilayer networks with planted mesoscale structure of

M. Bazzi, L. G. S. Jeub, A. Arenas, S. D. Howison, and M. A. Porter. Generative benchmark models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks. arXiv:1608.06196 [cs.SI], 2016.

If you use results based on this code in an academic publication please cite this paper and cite the code as

L. G. S. Jeub. A Python framework for generating multilayer networks with planted mesoscale structure., 2019


This package supports installation with setuptools. The easiest way to install the latest version of this package and its dependencies is to use

pip install git+

To install a particular version, replace master above by the appropriate commit identifier, e.g., use v0.1.0 to install version 0.1.0.

Basic usage

The examples below assume that the package has been imported as

import multilayerGM as gm

The model generates a multilayer network in two steps:

  1. Generate a multilayer partition with desired dependencies between layers

  2. Generate a multilayer network that reflects this partition

Generate partition

The main interface for generating partitions is

partition = gm.sample_partition(dependency_tensor=dt, null_distribution=null)

and supports generating partitions and supports multiple aspects with a mix of ordered and unordered aspects. The type of multilayer network is determined by the choice of interlayer dependency tensor. Different dependency tensors are implemented in gm.dependency_tensors.

The null distribution determines the random component of the generating process and is largely responsible for determining the expected mesoset sizes. null should be a function that takes a state node as input and returns a random mesoset assignment.

Currently, the only implemented choice (which is the one we use for the numerical examples in the paper) for the null distribution independently samples the mesoset distribution for each layer from a symmetric dirichlet distribution with concentration parameter theta and number of mesosets n_sets.

null = gm.DirichletNull(layers=dt.shape[1:], theta=theta, n_sets=n_sets)

However, it is straight-forward to substitute different null distributions.

Multiplex network with uniform dependencies:

To set up a dependency tensor for generating multiplex networks with uniform interlayer dependencies use

dt = gm.dependency_tensors.UniformMultiplex(n_nodes, n_layers, p)

where n_nodes is the desired number of nodes, n_layers is the desired number of layers and p is the copying probability. With probability p, the state node that is being updated copies its mesoset assignment from a different state node representing the same physical node chosen uniformly at random. This is an unordered dependency tensor (i.e., dt.aspect_types='r') and the partition will be sampled using pseudo-Gibbs sampling.

Temporal network

To set up a dependency tensor for generating temporal networks use

dt = gm.dependency_tensors.Temporal(n_nodes, n_layers, p)

where n_nodes is the desired number of nodes, n_layers is the desired number of layers and p specifies the copying probabilities. A state node in layer l that is being updated copies its mesoset assignment from the state node representing the same physical node in the previous layer with probability p[l-1]. Otherwise the state node gets a new mesoset assignment by sampling from the null distribution. Mesoset assignments for state nodes in the first layer are always sampled from the null distribution. One can also specify a single probability for p to generate a temporal network with uniform dependencies. This is an ordered dependency tensor (i.e., dt.aspect_types='o') and the partition will be sampled sequentially.

Networks with multiple aspects

To generate multilayer networks with multiple aspects but without direct inter-aspect dependencies use

dt = gm.dependency_tensors.MultiAspect(tensors, weights)

where tensors is a list of single-aspect dependency tensors and weights is a list of corresponding weights. An update for this dependency tensor proceeds in two steps. First, an aspect is selected with probability proportional to its weight and then the update proceeds according to the dependency tensor for this aspect. The dependency tensors in tensors can be a mix of ordered and unordered tensors and accordingly the partition will be sampled using a mix of sequential and pseudo-Gibbs sampling.

Custom dependency tensor

To generate networks that do not fit in the above categories, it is possible to define a fully-custom dependency tensor. To do so, the custom dependency tensor should be a subclass of gm.dependency_tensors.DependencyTensor or otherwise make sure to implement the same interface. Subclasses of gm.dependency_tensors.DependencyTensor have to at a minimum define a getrandneighbour method which determines the copying process (see the inline documentation). In most cases one would also need to extent the constructor (i.e., define a custom __init__ method) to store additional parameters. Note that gm.dependency_tensors.DependencyTensor makes it possible to specify the state nodes that are included in the tensor such that one construct networks that are not fully interconnected. However, if one wants to use this feature, one has to ensure that the getrandneighbour method can only return state nodes that are actually included in the tensor.

Generate network

Currently the only implemented network model is the DCSBM based benchmark model that we use for the numerical examples in the paper. To generate a network from a multilayer partition using this model use

multinet = gm.multilayer_DCSBM_network(partition, mu=0.1, k_min=5, k_max=70, t_k=-2)

Here partition is a multilayer partition defined as a mapping from state nodes to mesoset assignments (such as the output of gm.sample_partition()) and mu is a parameter that determines the strength of the planted community structure (for mu=0 communities are disconnected from each other and for mu=1 the network has no communities). The distribution of expected degrees for the network is a truncated powerlaw with minimum cutoff k_min, maximum cutoff k_max, and exponent t_k.

The network is returned as MultilayerGraph which extends the NetworkX Graph class with some multilayer network functionality (see for more details). Each node has a 'mesoset' attribute, such that the planted partition can be recovered using

partition = dict(multinet.nodes(data='mesoset'))

Compare partitions

This package includes functionality to compare (multilayer) partitions using normalized mutual information (NMI). The variant of NMI implemented here uses joint entropy as the normalisation, i.e., NMI(P1, P2) = I(P1, P2)/H(P1, P2), where I is the mutual information and H is the entropy.


To compare two partitions using NMI (this corresponds to computing multilayer NMI if the input partitions are multilayer) use

nmi_val = gm.comparisons.nmi(partition1, partition2)

mean NMI

To compare two multilayer partitions using mean NMI between induced partitions for each layer use

nmi_val = gm.comparisons.mean_nmi(partition1, partition2)

NMI tensor

To compute the NMI between induced partitions of a multilayer partition for all pairs of layers, use

nmi_map = gm.comparisons.nmi_tensor(partition)

Induced partitions

To extract induced paritions for each layer from a multilayer partition use

lp = gm.comparisons.layer_partitions(partition)

This function is used by the other comparison methods internally but may be useful to implement custom comparisons, such as only comparing partitions on a subset of layers.

Save results

This package includes functions to export the results to JSON and MATLAB '.mat' format.

To export a partition to JSON (note that state nodes are converted from tuple to string) use

gm.export.save_json_partition(partition, filename)

To load the partition data (converting state nodes back to tuples) use

partition = gm.export.load_json_partition(filename)

To export the multilayer network as a JSON edgelist use

gm.export.save_json_edgelist(multinet, filename)

To load the network data (optionally specify a filename for partition data to restore 'mesoset' node attribute) use

multinet = gm.export.load_json_multinet(edgelist, partition=None)


A Python framework for generating multilayer networks with planted mesoscale structure.







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