GUI application to plot polynomial functions.
you can plot any arbitrary user-entered function.
the input expression must be function, e.g., 5*x^3+2*x
the input expression must has no spaces.
you can specify the min and max range for x and function.
the program first validated the input expression and display messages to explain any wrong input.
you can specify the number of points to be plotted which affect the smoothness of the curve.
there is many snapshots of correct and wrong input examples in the examples directory.
here's two of them
arbitrary function:
wrong successive brackets:
This project uses Make building tool with QMake to automate the generation Make building files.
After cloning the repo
git clone
It's recommended to build this project with Qtcreator to solve any dependency problems, by opening (.pro) file then build and run the project comfortably.
To manually build this project you need qmake 6 to be installed with QT libraries configured.
create clean building directory
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
# compile
make -j8
then run the output executable file.
the project has been tested by QTest framework, including the testing source code in AutoTestPlotter project.
This project has been analysed with cppcheck static code analysis tool and has reported NO ERROR nor warning.