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golang cache library

Table of Contents

About The Project

disclaimer : This project is still experimental. Expect breaking changes.

nitecache is an embedded and distributed cache library for golang that supports:

  • sharding
  • explicit cache eviction
  • ttl
  • lfu/lru eviction policies
  • rpc for value updates
  • type safety using generics

Getting started


  • requires go version >= 1.21
go get


Creating a cache instance:
// Both ID and Addr must be unique across peers
self := {ID: "1", Addr: "node1:8100"},
members := []nitecache.Member{
    self, // You can omit self from the members list
    {ID: "2", Addr: "node2:8100"},

cache, err := nitecache.NewCache(self, members)
go func() {
    err := cache.ListenAndServe()

Creating a table:
// Specify the name of the table
table := nitecache.NewTable[string]("sessions").
    // If WithEvictionPolicy is omitted, nitecache won't apply any eviction policy
    // Option to specify the cache-aside getter
    // If WithGetter is omitted, nitecache will return an error on cache miss. 
    WithGetter(func(ctx context.Context, key string) (Session, time.Duration, error) {
        sess, err := getSessionFromSomewhere()
        if err != nil {
            return Session{}, 0, err
        //Return the value and a ttl (optional)
        return sess, time.Hour, nil
    Build(c) // Pass cache instance to Build method
Retrieving a value by key:
// If no corresponding value is found and no cache-aside getter was provided, returns ErrKeyNotFound.
value, err := table.Get(ctx, "key")
if err != nil {
Create a new entry:
if err := table.Put(ctx, "key", session, time.Hour); err != nil {
Evicting a value by key:
if err := table.Evict(ctx, "key"); err != nil {
Registering a RPC for value updates:
// WithProcedure is used to register the RPC.
table := nitecache.NewTable[RateLimitEntry]("rate-limiter").
    WithProcedure("incrementRL", func(r RateLimitEntry, params []byte) (RateLimitEntry, time.Duration, error) {
        return r, 0, nil
// You can pass parameters as bytes to the function call for more flexibility.
rlEntry, err = table.Call(ctx, "key", "incrementRL", []byte("Hello there!)])
if err != nil {


See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published

Contributors 3
