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An simple implementation of exception handling in the C language.


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An simple implementation of exception handling in the C language.

Released into the public domain, see LICENSE for more information.


  • Multithreading support depends on the build environment.
  • Variables that will be modified in TRY-CATCH blocks need to qualify with volatile.
  • Should not set the uncaught exception handler to a function can return or NULL.
  • To disable line information in exceptions, define CEXCEPTION_DISABLE_LINE_INFO before including cexception.h.
  • To disable file information in exceptions, define CEXCEPTION_DISABLE_FILE_INFO before including cexception.h (implies CEXCEPTION_DISABLE_LINE_INFO).

Undefined Behaviors

  • Directly jump out of a TRY-CATCH block (use INTERRUPT_TRY/BREAK_TRY to wrap the corresponding statement instead).
  • A TRY-CATCH block does not terminate after executing INTERRUPT_TRY/BREAK_TRY.
  • Throws an exception from a scope that contains any variable-length array, variably-modified type object or C++ automatic object with a non-trivial destructor.

All Identifiers



Identifier Parameters Description
TRY - Represents the beginning of a TRY-CATCH block
CATCH (type, variable) Catches an exception of the specific type and its subtypes, matches only one
NTHROWN - Executes when no exception is thrown
FINALLY - Always executes unless the TRY-CATCH block has terminated
TRY_END - Represents the end of a TRY-CATCH block

Code Jumping

Identifier Parameters Description
THROW_NEW (type, message, deleter) Creates a new exception instance and throws it (deleter can be NULL)
THROW (exception) Throws an exception
INTERRUPT_TRY (statement) Jumps out of the TRY-CATCH block by the given statement after trying to execute the FINALLY clause
BREAK_TRY (statement) Jumps out of the TRY-CATCH block by the given statement immediately


Identifier Parameters Description
NEW_EXCEPTION (type, message, deleter) Used to create a new exception instance (deleter can be NULL)
DROP_EXCEPTION (exception) Drops an exception instance
DECLARE_EXCEPTION (name, parent) Declares a new exception type (usually used in a header file)
DEFINE_EXCEPTION (name, parent) Defines a declared exception type (usually used in a source file)
NORETURN - Indicates that the function does not return

Exception Types

  • Actually constants of the type ExceptionType.
Identifier Parent Description
EXCEPTION - Top level exception type, the parent of all other exceptions types

Structure Types

  • All structure types have a typedef with the same name.


  • The type of exception types.
Member Type Description
name const char* const The name of exception
parent const ExceptionType* const The parent exception type


  • The exception instance type.
Member Type Description
type const ExceptionType* The exception type
message const char* The message of the exception
alloc bool Whether the object referenced by the message is allocated
file const char* The file where the exception created
line int The line where the exception created


  • The TRY-CATCH context type.
Member Type Description
status TryCatchStatus The status in the TRY-CATCH block
env jmp_buf Stores the execution context
exception ExceptionInstance The exception instance if there is an exception occurred
link TryCatchContext* The previous TRY-CATCH context in the TRY-CATCH context stack

Enumeration Types

  • All enumeration types have a typedef with the same name.


  • Represents the statuses in TRY-CATCH blocks.
Constant Value Description
TryCatchStatusStart 0 Started executing a TRY-CATCH block
TryCatchStatusTrying 1 Executing the TRY clause
TryCatchStatusNoException 2 No exception occurred in the TRY clause
TryCatchStatusExceptionOccurred 3 An exception occurred in the TRY clause
TryCatchStatusCaughtException 4 The exception has been caught
TryCatchStatusExceptionRaised 5 An exception occurred in the TRY-CATCH block but not in the TRY clause
TryCatchStatusInterrupted 6 The TRY-CATCH block is interrupted


Identifier Type Description
UncaughtExceptionHandler void (const ExceptionInstance*) Represents an uncaught exception handler


Identifier Signature Description
throw_exception void (const ExceptionInstance* exception) Throws an exception
print_exception_info void (const ExceptionInstance* exception, FILE* stream) Prints the exception information to the specified stream
exception_instance_of bool (const ExceptionInstance* exception, const ExceptionType* type) Determines the exception instance is an instance of the specific exception type
try_catch_context_stack_push void (TryCatchContext* context) Adds the TRY-CATCH context to the TRY-CATCH context stack
try_catch_context_stack_pop void (void) Removes the last TRY-CATCH context from the TRY-CATCH context stack
try_catch_context TryCatchContext* (void) Gets the current TRY-CATCH context
get_uncaught_exception_handler UncaughtExceptionHandler* (void) Gets the uncaught exception handler (of the current thread)
set_uncaught_exception_handler void (UncaughtExceptionHandler* handler) Sets the uncaught exception handler (of the current thread)
default_uncaught_exception_handler void (const ExceptionInstance*) Prints the exception information to stderr and aborts the program



#include <stdio.h>
#include <cexception.h>

int main(void) {
    volatile int number = 1;
    printf("Number: %d\n", number);

    TRY {
        number = 2;
        THROW_NEW(EXCEPTION, "exeption message", NULL);
        number = 3;
    } CATCH (EXCEPTION, exception) {
        print_exception_info(exception, stderr);
    } NTHROWN {
    } FINALLY {
    } TRY_END;

    printf("Number: %d\n", number);

    return 0;


Number: 1
Exception (file "example.c", line 11): exeption message
Number: 2