A Xamarin.Android binding library for ImagePicker library.
A simple library to select images from the gallery and camera.
This project is maintained by Naxam Co.,Ltd.
We specialize in developing mobile applications using Xamarin and native technology stack.
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Install-Package Naxam.ImagePicker.Droid
- Quick call
.FolderMode(true) // set folder mode (false by default)
.FolderTitle("Folder") // folder selection title
.ImageTitle("Tap to select") // image selection title
.Single() // single mode
.Multi() // multi mode (default mode)
.Limit(10) // max images can be selected (999 by default)
.ShowCamera(true) // show camera or not (true by default)
.ImageDirectory("Camera") // captured image directory name ("Camera" folder by default)
.Origin(images) // original selected images, used in multi mode
.Start(REQUEST_CODE_PICKER); // start image picker activity with request code
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Android.Content.Intent data)
if (resultCode == Result.Ok && requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_PICKER) {
var pickedImages = data.GetParcelableArrayListExtra(ImagePickerActivity.IntentExtraSelectedImages);
Toast.MakeText(this, $"You picked {pickedImages.Count} images", ToastLength.Short)
- @NguyenHoangLam for his library in Java
ImagePicker binding library for Android is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
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