The goal of this repository is to experiment with different machine learning architectures for identifying methane leak locations.
- python=3.10
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- xarray
- netcdf4
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- pyyaml
- pytest
- pip
- jupyter
- jupyterlab
- tqdm
- numba
- cython
- metpy
- dask
- pip:
- bridgescaler
- keras_nlp
- hagelslag
The easiest way to install this package is using conda. After cloning the repository you can install with
mamba env create -f environment_gpu.yml
Training data can be sampled from the raw LES data by running the ./scripts/
script. It uses the
yaml file for configuration. A brief explanation of the configuration parameters:
data_path (str): The path containing the raw LES data
out_path (str): The path you'd like to save the sampled data to (it will make a directory if not present).
time_window_size (int): The number of timesteps to compose the input timeseries
samples_per_window (int): The number of individual samples (random sensor locations) per time window
window_stride (int): The index length of which to slide for a new set of samples
parallel (bool): Whether to use python multiprocessing for parallelization
n_processors (int): Number of processors to use is parallel is True
min_trace_sensors (int): Minimum number of Methane trace sensors to sample per training sample
max_trace_sensors (int): Maximum number of Methane trace sensors to sample per training sample
min_leak_loc (int): Minimum number of potential leak locations to sample per training sample
max_leak_loc (int): Maximum number of potential leak locations to sample per training sample
sensor_height_min (float): The minimum height (meters) at which the sensors are sampled from
sensor_height_max (float): The maximum height (meters) at which the sensors are sampled from
leak_height_min (float): The minimum height (meters) at which the potential leaks are sampled from
leak_height_max (float): The maximum height (meters) at which the potential leaks are sampled from
sensor_type_mask (int): The value to use for the "variable mask" (which sensors are included at specifc locations)
sensor_exist_mask (int): The value of the "sensor pad mask" (how many sensors there are per sample)
coord_vars (list): The list of variable names for positional coordinates
met_vars (list): Names of the meteorological variables
emission_vars (list): Variable names of the leak contaminates
This will create a separate xarray dataset for each file that can be used for model training:
Dimensions: (variable: 8, sample: 3600, sensor: 15, time: 20, mask: 2,
pot_leak: 10, target_time: 1, sensor_loc: 3)
* variable (variable) object 'ref_distance' 'ref_azi_sin' ... 'q_CH4'
* sensor_loc (sensor_loc) 'xPos' 'yPos' 'zPos'
Dimensions without coordinates: sample, sensor, time, mask, pot_leak,
Data variables:
encoder_input (sample, sensor, time, variable, mask) float64 ...
decoder_input (sample, pot_leak, target_time, variable, mask) float64 ...
target (sample, pot_leak, target_time) float64 ...
target_ch4 (sample, pot_leak, target_time) float32 ...
sensor_meta (sample, sensor, sensor_loc) float32 ...
leak_meta (sample, pot_leak, sensor_loc) float32 ...
met_sensor_loc (sample, sensor_loc) float32 ...
leak_rate (sample) float32 ...
The variable
coordinate lists the order of the actual variable names for the variable
: Euclidean distance from the met sensor to the sensor / pot_leak location.ref_azi_sin
: Sin of the angle from the met sensor relative to the mean wind direction and the sensor / leak loc.ref_azi_cos
: Cosine of the angle from the met sensor relative to the mean wind direction and the sensor / leak loc.ref_elv
: Vertical angle from the met sensor and the sensor / leak location.u
: U-wind component at the met sensor.v
: V-wind component at the met sensor.w
: W-wind component at the met sensor.q_CH4
: Methane concentration at a given sensor.
The dimension size of sensor
and pot_leak
are the maximum number set within the config even though many samples have less than
the maximum amount. The mask
dimension identifies which samples have which sensors / potential leaks are contained
within a given sample. In the case of the sensor dimension, there is currently an implied single meteorological sensor occupying the first
element position of the dimension such that sensor
= 1 + max_trace_sensors.
Data Variables
: Time series of meteorlogical and methane inputs as well as coordinate information.decoder_input
: Coordinate information of the potential leak
: Binary vector indicating the true leak location from all potential leak locations.target_ch4
: True leak rate at the true vector position.sensor_meta
: Raw coordinate information (in meters) for each sensor (1-met + max_trace_sensors).leak_meta
: Raw coordinate information (in meters) for potential leak locations.met_sensor_loc
: Raw coordinate information (in meters) for met sensor.leak_rate
: True leak rate.
To train a transformer model we can use the ./scripts/
along with the ./config/train_transformer.yaml
Explanation of ./config/train_transformer.yaml
data_path (str): Path to the generated sample data (created above)
out_path (str): Path to save output
random_seed (int): Random seed used to replicate data splitting and model initialization
save_model (bool): Choice to save output (model, scaler)
save_output (bool): Choice to save model predictions
validation_ratio (float): Ratio of validation data compared to training data (between 0 and 1)
sensor_type_mask (int): Value that was used to mask sensor type (from above config)
sensor_exist_mask (int): Value that was used to mask sensor padding (from above config)
scaler_type (str): Type of scaler to use (supports "quantile", "standard", "minmax")
models (list): List of models to train (supports "transformer_leak_loc", "transformer_leak_rate", "backtracker")
<model type>: Model hyperparameters
encoder_layers (int): Number of encoder blocks
decoder_layers (int): Number of decoder blocks
hidden_size (int): Number of hidden neurons per layer
n_heads (int): Number of multi-attention heads
num_quantized_embeddings (int): Embedding size for vector quantizer (if being used)
hidden_activation (str): Hidden layer activation function
output_activation (str): Output layer activation function
dropout_rate (float): Ratio of neurons to drop (float between 0 and 1)
use_quantizer (bool): Choice to use vector quantizer
quantized_beta (float): Quantizer parameter (recommended between 0.25 and 2.0)
n_outputs (int): Number of output nuerons
min_filters (int): Number of filters for timeseries convolutions
kernel_size (int): Number of kernels for time series convolutions
filter_growth_rate (float): Rate at which to increase the filter size per layer
n_conv_layers (int): Number of convolutional layers
pooling (str): Convolutional pooling strategy
pool_size (int): Width to apply pooling strategy
padding (str): Convoluitonal padding strategy
epochs (int): Number of epochs to run model
verbose (int): Verbosity level for training (0, 1, 2)
batch_size (int): Training batch size
loss (str): Loss function (supported by keras)
optimizer (str): Optimizer algorithm (supports "adam", "sgd")
metrics (list): List of training metrics to tracks (supported by keras)
predict_batch_size (int): Batchsize to use for inference