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Mikhail Skobov edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Build System

Zelig build system is made of phase drivers, phases, filter for phases, transformations, operator handler and image builders. Each phase subclasses the PhaseDriver abstract class and is executed in a specific order, determined by the usage of the PhaseOrdering attribute. The build system is implemented in the CodeTransformation project. The entry point for the build system is the Controller class, who executes phase-by-phase and drivers the usage of the handlers through phases.

Phase Drivers

Phase drivers are utility classes, that implement some infrastructure for the optimization engine. Available phase drivers are:

  • CallGraph: tracks closure and static constructor dependencies.
  • CallsDatabase: provides support for in-lining and inspecting calls to and from a method.
  • `ImplementExternaMethods': provides support to implement external methods, e.g. methods that can call into existing C/C++ code.
  • ImplementInternaMethods': provides support to implement internal methods. e.g. methods in the framework core such as Object.MemberwiseCloneorArray.Length`.
  • ParallelTransformationsHandler: provides support to enumerate and transform instances of methods and CFGs in parallel.
  • DelegationCache: provides support to hook phase handlers to a phase.


Available phases are, in the order:

  1. ReduceNumberOfTemporaries
  2. TransformFinallyBlocksIntoTryBlocks
  3. ApplyClassExtensions
  4. PrepareImplementationOfInternalMethods
  5. CrossReferenceTypeSystem
  6. ApplyConfigurationSettings
  7. ResourceManagerOptimizations
  8. HighLevelTransformations
  9. PropagateCompilationConstraints
  10. ComputeCallsClosure
  11. EstimateTypeSystemReduction
  12. CompleteImplementationOfInternalMethods
  13. ReduceTypeSystem
  14. PrepareExternalMethods
  15. DetectNonImplementedInternalCalls
  16. OrderStaticConstructors
  17. LayoutTypes
  18. HighLevelToMidLevelConversion
  19. FromImplicitToExplictExceptions
  20. MidLevelToLowLevelConversion
  21. ConvertUnsupportedOperatorsToMethodCalls
  22. ExpandAggregateTypes
  23. SplitComplexOperators
  24. FuseOperators
  25. Optimizations
  26. ConvertToSSA
  27. GenerateImage
  28. PrepareForRegisterAllocation
  29. CollectRegisterAllocationConstraints
  30. AllocateRegisters
  31. ConvertToLLVMIntermediateRepresentation
  32. Done


Transformations are utility functions applied during to phases. Available transformations include:

  • InlineCall
  • PerformClassExtension
  • ReduceNumberOfTemporaries
  • RemoveDeadCode
  • RemoveSimpleIndirection
  • SimplifyConditionCodeChecks
  • SplitBasicBlocksAtExceptionSite
  • TransformFinallyBLocksIntoTryBlocks

Below an example of a simply phase that uses a transformation through the ParallelTranformationHandler:

[PhaseOrdering( ExecuteAfter=typeof(ReduceNumberOfTemporaries) )]
public sealed class TransformFinallyBlocksIntoTryBlocks : PhaseDriver
    // Constructor Methods

    public TransformFinallyBlocksIntoTryBlocks( Controller context ) : base ( context )

    // Helper Methods

    public override PhaseDriver Run()
        ParallelTransformationsHandler.EnumerateFlowGraphs( this.TypeSystem, delegate( ControlFlowGraphStateForCodeTransformation cfg )
            Transformations.TransformFinallyBlocksIntoTryBlocks.Execute( cfg );

            Transformations.MergeExtendedBasicBlocks.Execute( cfg );
        } );

        return this.NextPhase;

Operator Handler

Operator handles are assigned to phases by the Controller through the DelegationCache. A typical operator handler looks like the following:

public class MethodTransformations

    [CompilationSteps.PhaseFilter( typeof(Phases.HighLevelTransformations     ) )]
    [CompilationSteps.PhaseFilter( typeof(Phases.HighLevelToMidLevelConversion) )]
    [CompilationSteps.PhaseFilter( typeof(Phases.MidLevelToLowLevelConversion ) )]
    [CompilationSteps.PhaseFilter( typeof(Phases.ExpandAggregateTypes         ) )]
    private static void ProcessFlowGraphAfterTransformations( PhaseExecution.NotificationContext nc )
        ControlFlowGraphStateForCodeTransformation cfg = nc.CurrentCFG;
        if(cfg != null)
            if(Transformations.CommonMethodRedundancyElimination.Execute( cfg ))



    private void InjectPrologueAndEpilogue( PhaseExecution.NotificationContext nc )
        if(nc.Phase.ComparePositionTo< Phases.HighLevelTransformations >() >= 0 &&
           nc.Phase.ComparePositionTo< Phases.ReduceTypeSystem         >() <  0  )
            ControlFlowGraphStateForCodeTransformation cfg = nc.CurrentCFG;
            if(cfg != null && cfg.SetProperty( "MethodWrappersAdded" ) == false)
                var wkm = nc.TypeSystem.WellKnownMethods;

                    var prologueStart = cfg.GetInjectionPoint( BasicBlock.Qualifier.PrologueStart );
                    var prologueEnd   = cfg.GetInjectionPoint( BasicBlock.Qualifier.PrologueEnd   );

                    AddCallToWrapper( nc, prologueStart, prologueEnd, wkm.Microsoft_Zelig_Runtime_AbstractMethodWrapper_Prologue, wkm.Microsoft_Zelig_Runtime_AbstractMethodWrapper_Prologue2 );

                    var epilogueStart = cfg.GetInjectionPoint( BasicBlock.Qualifier.EpilogueStart );
                    var epilogueEnd   = cfg.GetInjectionPoint( BasicBlock.Qualifier.EpilogueEnd   );

                    AddCallToWrapper( nc, epilogueStart, epilogueEnd, wkm.Microsoft_Zelig_Runtime_AbstractMethodWrapper_Epilogue, wkm.Microsoft_Zelig_Runtime_AbstractMethodWrapper_Epilogue2 );


Please note the attribute that assign the handler usage to a specific phase. Also please note the usage of the PreFlowGraphHandlerAttribute: methods with this attribute get a chance to look at the ControlFlowGraphState before everyone else.

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