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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 5, 2019. It is now read-only.


lt72 edited this page Oct 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Contributing to LLILUM

While the LLILUM project is sponsored by the .NET Foundation it is an Open Source project and therefore we encourage and welcome contributions from the development community. As with any Open Source project - in order to avoid complete chaos and mass fragmentation, there are a few rules to follow.

Pre-requisites for Contributing

  1. Sign a [Contribution License Agreement (CLA)](Contribution License Agreement) (One time activity)
  2. Fork the repository into your own GitHub account
    Forking the repository is a simple click on the "Fork" button on the repositories page in GitHub.
  3. Clone your Forked GitHub repository to your local development machine
    git clone<your GitHub ID>/llilum.git
  4. In your local repository, configure a remote to "upstream" NETMF repository
    git remote add upstream

Basic Workflow for Contributions

  1. Update your local dev branch with dev branch of "upstream" NETMF repository
    git checkout dev
    git pull upstream dev
  2. Create a topic branch for your changes in your local repository
    git checkout -b <topic name>
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your local topic branch
  4. Ensure that the your changes can be merged into "upstream" NETMF repository without any conflicts
    git checkout dev
    git pull upstream dev
    git checkout <topic name>
    git rebase dev
  5. Push your local topic branch to your GitHub repository
    git push origin <topic name>
  6. Create a Pull Request from the topic branch of your GitHub repository to dev branch of "upstream" NETMF repository
    This can be easily done through the "Pull Request" tab of your GitHub repository page
  7. Respond to review comments on your changes
    This may entail additional changes to your code with an update to the Pull Request in order to fix issues, meet guidelines, etc.
  8. Core team commits your changes to the "upstream" NETMF repository.
    Once the Pull Request is approved, a core member of the team will apply the changes to the NETMF repository so they are available for everyone to include.