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Search Result Extension for Request Tracker

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. License
  3. Support
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation
  6. Configuration


You can use this extension e.g. for the following scenarios:

  • Immediately visualize open tasks with customer replies on tickets.
  • Highlight workflow steps with custom fields. Ticket bought -> on hold, action required. Ticket received -> say thanks, close ticket.

The search result rows can be highlighted matching defined conditions:

  • Relative due date
  • Last Updated By is not the ticket owner or in a specified group (e.g. an external customer)
  • Custom name matches value

The rows can be highlighted with

  • Transparent background color
  • Icon as an additional column from the extended search editor
  • Tooltip for the icon, users can hover over it.



This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2.

This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by NETWAYS GmbH <>.


For bugs and feature requests please head over to our issue tracker. You may also send us an email to for general questions or to get technical support.


  • RT 4.4.3
  • Search results containing a NEWLINE separator need PR #273.


Extract this extension to a temporary location.

Git clone:

cd /usr/local/src
git clone

Tarball download (latest release):

cd /usr/local/src

Navigate into the source directory and install the extension.

perl Makefile.PL
make install

Clear your mason cache.

rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

Restart your web server.

systemctl restart httpd

systemctl restart apache2


The configuration order doesn't matter, the following conditions are evaluted (first wins):

  • Relative Due Date
  • Last Updated By
  • Custom Fields

Highlight on Relative Due Date

The search result row will be highlighted when a due date is set and lower than the smallest value defined as condition.

You can for example define a softer color for due in 8 days than due in 3 days.

Each configuration entry requires

Key Description
conditions Required. One or multiple key-value pairs in the format "due" => <number of days>.
color Optional. Background color for the highlighted search result line. Supported colors are listed below.
icon Optional. FontAwesome icon available as additional column in search results, when the condition matches.
tooltip Optional. Tooltip string shown when user hovers over the icon.


# Highlight on: 1) already due 2) due in < 3 days.
  "conditions" => { "due" => 0 },
  "color" => "red-dark",
  "icon" => "fa-question-circle",
  "tooltip" => "Due date reached. Action required."
  "conditions" => { "due" => 3 },
  "color" => "red-light",
  "icon" => "fa-question-circle",
  "tooltip" => "Due date soon. Plan ahead."

Highlight On Last Updated By Condition

This can be used to highlight the search result row if

  • The owner is not the same as the last updated by user
  • The last updated by user is not in one of the specified RT groups.

You can define multiple highlights at once. Each configuration entry requires

Key Description
conditions Required. One or multiple key-value pairs in the format "owner" => 1 or "groups" => [ "<groupname>" ].
color Optional. Background color for the highlighted search result line. Supported colors are listed below.
icon Optional. FontAwesome icon available as additional column in search results, when the condition matches.
tooltip Optional. Tooltip string shown when user hovers over the icon.
#  "conditions" => { "owner" => 1 },
#  "color" => "blue-dark",
#  "icon" => "fa-star"
  "conditions" => { "groups" => [ "admins" ] },
  "color" => "yellow-dark",
  "icon" => "fa-exclamation-triangle",
  "tooltip" => "Customer replied. Action required."

Highlight on CF Condition

The search result row will be highlighted when a CF name matches a specified value.

You can define multiple highlights at once. Each configuration entry requires

Key Description
conditions Required. One or multiple key-value pairs in the format CF_name => CF_expected_value.
color Optional. Background color for the highlighted search result line. Supported colors are listed below.
icon Optional. FontAwesome icon available as additional column in search results, when the condition matches.
tooltip Optional. Tooltip string shown when user hovers over the icon.


  "conditions" => { "TicketReceived" => "yes" },
  "color" => "green-light",
  "icon" => "fa-check"
  "conditions" => { "TicketBought" => "yes" },
  "color" => "red",
  "icon" => "fa-pause"


Type Variants
Red red, red-light, red-dark
Green green, green-light, green-dark
Blue blue, blue-light, blue-dark
Yellow yellow, yellow-light, yellow-dark
Purple purple, purple-light, purple-dark
Grey grey, grey-light, grey-dark

Font Awesome Icons

Font Awesome 5.0 SVG icon set is included, you can use for example:

  • fa-question-circle
  • fa-exclamation-circle
  • fa-check-circle
  • fa-pause-circle
  • fa-exclamation-triangle
  • fa-envelope
  • fa-comment
  • fa-share
  • fa-folder-open
  • fa-check
  • fa-ban
  • fa-trash-alt
  • fa-star
  • fa-sync-alt
  • fa-pause
  • fa-copy
  • fa-user-secret
  • fa-recycle
  • fa-cloud-upload-alt