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Handover Document v01.2023

eswarsaladi edited this page Jan 5, 2023 · 1 revision

Handover document ( v01.2023)

This document acts as handover document for the next person to work on this project.

Component Remarks
DRS Modal Completed
core/image Completed
core/audio Completed
core/video Completed
gallery-carousel Completed
admin settings Completed
vertical-timeline ( timeline_v1) Completed
knighlab-timeline ( timeline_v2) Completed, requries minor additions
leaflet-map Not completed

What works

  1. Added additional options to core gutenberg image, audio, video blocks, two extra functionality i. Fetching the item from DRS based on the id of the resource ii. Fetch resource through a modal that fetches all the resources from a collection specified
  2. Created a gallery carousel that utilises drs modal for selecting the requried items
  3. Created two kinds of timelines i. Vertical timeline using pure css ii. That utilises knightlabs timeline js library
  4. Created a admin dashboard from which global values can be set for the drs components
  5. Created github actions to create development releases whenever there is new push to any branch
  6. Well documented and highly modularised code to enable further improvements to the code base


  1. Leaflet component needs to be worked upon, I found a reference implementation at this repo Caused some issues when I tried to implement the same in the project

Minor Issues

  1. There is a minor css issue with drsmodal, css for the elements are hardcoded, this does not make much of an issue while working on computer, but might be an issue when being accessed from phone ( Low Priority )
  2. Code for timeline_v2 additional settings should be added, which would be added to repo by 01/09/2023
  3. Write unit tests ( Not an immediate concern, but good to have since it also acts as documentation )
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