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Klervix edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 26 revisions

VISEO Bot Maker is a framework built on top of Node-RED. This is also the full re-engineering V5 of the smart-home assistant SARAH, architectured by @jpencausse in 2012. Different bot channels nodes act as adapters between the flow and text or voice channels, allowing your program to behave independently of the channel. As Node-RED is a graphical programming tool, it makes easy for both developers and administrators to create complete conversationnal flows and to connect to multiple channels.

The node-red-contrib-bot repository contains the VISEO Bot Maker project.

The node-red-contrib-viseo repository contains a set of Node-RED nodes open-sourced by VISEO to build smart applications and conversational assistants. As it is only containing npm packages, you will not need to clone it.


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