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Project creation

Klervi edited this page Jul 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

Your projects are located in your ~/bots/projects folder. There are three possible ways to install your project.

Solution A: From the UI

You need to start your service to access the UI.

Go on http://localhost:1880 and use demo/loremipsum as login information.

Because you haven't created your project yet, the UI prompts you to do so.

Create whole new project

Follow the creation process and fill the information below:

  • GIT username
  • GIT email address
  • Project name
  • Project description (optional)
  • Leave Flow file "as is"
  • Enable encryption (recommended) : yes
  • Custom key

Clone from existing repository

Go on http://localhost:1880 and use demo/loremipsum as login information.
The UI prompts you to create your project.

Follow the clone repository process and fill the information below:

  • GIT username
  • GIT email address
  • GIT repo url: the project name will be filled automatically
  • credentials encryption key

Solution B: Using Git manually

This option is only possible for a project versioned with git. You just need to put your source code in the projects folder. In bots/projects, clone your project and run:

git clone ssh://gitsshurl

If your project uses a credential secret key, you then need to specify it in the bots/.config.json file. Search for the following lines:

   "projects": {
      "projects": {
         "mybot": {
            "credentialSecret": "[your secret here]"
// ... other node-red specific information

Please note that the key "mybot" should be the same as your bot folder name.

Solution C: If migrating from an older version of the VISEO Bot Maker

In your current bot project, edit the data/package.json file and add the following lines:

    "node-red": {
        "settings": {
            "flowFile": "data/flows.json",
            "credentialsFile": "data/flows_cred_<env>.json"

These lines will ensure that Node-RED will be able to find your flow files and credentials. Then you can follow the clone from repository steps.