An Android app to convert text to speech and vice versa.
This is the home screen of the RoboTalk application.
- Sign-in can be done using User's Email/Google/Facebook account.
- Sign-in can be skipped by continuing as guest.
- User can select either service to start - Speech to Text or Text to Speech Conversion.
- Clicking on LOG OUT Button redirects the user to Sign-In Window.
Clicking on START Button starts the recording of speech for conversion to text.
- User can input any text for conversion to Speech.
- Conversion starts after clicking button.
- Pitch and speed of Speech can be changed by User.
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For creating the pull request,click on "New Pull Request" Button present on your forked repo's page which opens a new page, in which there is an area for briefly mentioning the issue you solved/your updates. Finally, click on "Create Pull Request" button. -
Wait for the collaborators to review your work. If any changes are recommended by them, do so with a proper comment in your pull request.