Full-Stack Developer with experience in AI/machine learning, app development, distributed systems, and embedded systems for military aircraft.
Orange County Superior Court
- Orange County, California
- https://dephony.com/Nikyle
- @NLKNguyen
Jim Myhrberg
I'm a software engineering mercenary, who plays with code, video games, and on occasion, design.
@krystal London, United Kingdom
Ionică Bizău (Johnny B.)
Programmer, Geek, Pianist & Organist, Learner, Mentor, Dreamer, Vegetarian, Jesus follower, Founder @Bloggify
@Bloggify @BibleJS @BrainJS ✈
Adrian Cantrill
Cloud Solutions Architect, Technical and Cloud Training & Automation Enthusiast
Nicke Manarin
Mostly working with ScreenToGif.
ScreenToGif Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Douglas Crockford
I was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. I left when I was 6 months old because it was too damn cold.
My latest book is _A Million And One Random Digits_.
Virgule-Solidus Anaheim