Backend API service for NTUCourse-Neo. (PostgreSQL)
Clone the repository
git clone cd ncn-backend
Prepare your
fileRun command below to create a
filecp .env.defaults .env
Then paste your keys into the file. Please refer to the table below.
Reminder: Make sure you follow the environment variable file format of Docker.KEY Description Default Value MONGO_URL MongoDB connection string N/A PORT Server running port 5000 OTP_EXPIRE_MINUTES Linking One Time Password (OTP) expire minutes 5 ENV Running environment dev AUTH0_DOMAIN Auth0 Account Domain N/A AUTH0_CLIENT_ID Auth0 API Service Client ID N/A AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET Auth0 API Service Client Secret N/A AUTH0_API_AUDIENCE Auth0 Management API Identifier N/A SELF_API_AUDIENCE NTUCourse-Neo API Identifier N/A SENDGRID_FROM_EMAIL Sendgrid Sender E-Mail Address N/A SENDGRID_API_KEY Sendgrid API Key N/A SENDGRID_OTP_TMPL_ID Sendgrid E-Mail Template ID for OTP N/A RECAPTCHA_SECRET reCAPTCHA Service Client Secret N/A DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL Discord Webhook URL N/A -
Install Docker on your device.
Please refer to this guide.
Build docker image
docker build -f Dockerfile -t ncn-backend .
Run the built image in container
docker run --env-file .env -p 5000:5000 ncn-backend
Open the browser and go to http://localhost:5000/api/v1/healthcheck
and you should see the 200 OK response.
Have fun! 🎉
Clone the repository
git clone cd ncn-backend
Prepare your
fileRun command below to create a
filecp .env.defaults .env
Then paste your keys into the file. Please refer to the table below.
KEY Description Default Value MONGO_URL MongoDB connection string N/A PORT Server running port 5000 OTP_EXPIRE_MINUTES Linking One Time Password (OTP) expire minutes 5 ENV Running environment dev AUTH0_DOMAIN Auth0 Account Domain N/A AUTH0_CLIENT_ID Auth0 API Service Client ID N/A AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET Auth0 API Service Client Secret N/A AUTH0_API_AUDIENCE Auth0 Management API Identifier N/A SELF_API_AUDIENCE NTUCourse-Neo API Identifier N/A SENDGRID_FROM_EMAIL Sendgrid Sender E-Mail Address N/A SENDGRID_API_KEY Sendgrid API Key N/A SENDGRID_OTP_TMPL_ID Sendgrid E-Mail Template ID for OTP N/A RECAPTCHA_SECRET reCAPTCHA Service Client Secret N/A DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL Discord Webhook URL N/A -
Install required dependencies
Run the server
yarn server
Open the browser and go to http://localhost:5000/api/v1/healthcheck
and you should see the 200 OK response.
Have fun! 🎉
- babel
- nodemon
- express
- axios
- cors
- dotenv-defaults
- express-jwt
- express-oauth2-jwt-bearer
- jwks-rsa
- mongoose
- mongodb
- @sendgrid/mail