- get true .env from here
# whenever new package is used.
yarn local-install
yarn dev
# 進入http://localhost:1993
please read How to Contribute first.
- 下載docker-compose.yml,需要請求權限
- 請確認 newReg 的值,false 表示直接允許註冊,true 表示照片驗證(deprecated),version3 表示寄信 or 照片驗證
- 執行
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d (噴error時取消-d可以看到完整錯誤訊息)
$ docker-compose exec web npm run reset-db
open http://localhost:1993
- if docker no working well, try this in powershell
$ Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d (噴error時取消-d可以看到完整錯誤訊息)
- visit the website
- In heroku/settings, modify config vars
- visit the website
# in cloud shell
$ gcloud builds submit
- This will take 5~15 mins, depends on whether package.json was changed. If package wasn't changed, cache will be used; Otherwise, yarn install will take a lot of time.