This repo has the expert data generation infrastructure and Pytorch implementation of MPiNets.
The easiest way to install the code here is to build our included docker container,
which contains all of the dependencies for data generation, model training,
inference, and a ROS-based interactive demo. Due to the many components, this
container will require ~30gb
when built.
Despite the sizeable storage requirements, we use Docker for several reasons:
- For the data generation pipeline, some of our dependencies cannot be
installed easily via PyPI
- OMPL requires a lot of system dependencies and then building from source
- Nvidia Omniverse has the release of Geometric Fabrics used in our expert generation.
- Docker makes it easy to manage the entire system environment, e.g. the CUDA runtime, the various upstream dependencies, ROS, etc.
If you have a strong need to build this repo on your host machine, you can follow the same steps as are outlined in the Dockerfile. For example, if you are limited in disk space and, have your own expert data generation pipeline, or simply intend to use our publicly available datasets, you only need to install the learning dependencies (the different areas should be well-documented in the Dockerfile). Likewise, if you do not intend to use the interactive demo, you do not need to install the ROS dependencies.
If you intend to run the data generation pipeline, you must use Isaac Sim to get access to Geometric Fabrics. Again, you can install this on your host machine, but we recommend using our included Dockerfile, which streamlines the installation process.
In order to build the Docker container included in this repo, you will need access to the Isaac Sim docker container (our container is built on top of it). You can find detailed instructioned on how to do this here, but we provide summarized instructions here as well.
First you will need to join the Nvidia Developer Program. After joining, you can generate your NGC API key as described here.
With your NGC API key, you must log in to NGC from your host computer. As your
username, use the string $oauthtoken
. As your password, use your NGC API key.
To log in, use the command
sudo docker login
Next, clone this repo using:
git clone
Navigate inside the repo (e.g. cd motion-policy-networks
) and build the docker with
docker build --tag mpinets --network=host --file docker/Dockerfile .
After this is built, you should be able to launch the docker using this command
(be sure to use the correct paths on your system for the /PATH/TO/THE/REPO
docker run --interactive --tty --rm --gpus all --network host --privileged --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --env XAUTHORITY --env NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --env "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --volume /PATH/TO/THE/REPO:/root/mpinets mpinets /bin/bash -c 'export PYTHONPATH=/root/mpinets:$PYTHONPATH; git config --global --add /root/mpinets; /bin/bash'
In order to run any GUI-based code in the docker, be sure to add the correct
user to xhost
on the host machine. You can do this by running xhost +si:localuser:root
in another terminal on the host machine.
Our suggested development setup would be to have two terminals open, one
running the docker (use this one for running the code) and another editing
code on the host machine. The docker run
command above will mount your
checkout of this repo into the docker, allowing you to edit the files from
either inside the docker or on the host machine.
All usage described below must happen inside the docker container. For all the commands below, assume that they should be run inside the docker container.
In order to easily import mpinets as a module in our python scripts, we first install it in developer mode as follows:
pip install -e .
In order to run inference, you will need a pretrained model file. This will be generated by the training script if you wish to retrain the model, but you can also download a pretrained set of weights. You can download those weights here.
We present an inference script that will run the policy and visualize the results. This script requires a model checkpoint and a set of test problems. These problems must be formatted in the following format.
class PlanningProblem:
Defines a common interface to describe planning problems
# The problem target in the `right_gripper` frame
target: SE3
# A trajectory is only successful if the final pose is within this region
target_volume: Union[Cuboid, Cylinder]
# The starting configuration
q0: np.ndarray
# The obstacles in the scene
obstacles: Optional[Obstacles] = None
# An alternate representation of the obstacles
obstacle_point_cloud: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# Trajectories are not successful unless final pose is outside of these regions.
target_negative_volumes: Obstacles = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
We have three sets of test problems that you can download--those solvable by the Global Planner, those solvable by the Hybrid Planner, and those solvable by both planners.
The inference script uses MPiNets to solve problems in these formats and provide metrics for their performance. By default, it will also simulate the rollout in PyBullet and visualize the perception with Meshcat. When you run the script, it will print a URL that you can visit in the browser on your host machine to view the point cloud of the scene.
This script allows you to choose a scene type and class of problem--or evaluate all of them. For example, to see visuals of the policy in a tabletop setting moving from a neutral pose to a task-oriented pose where the problems are solvable by the hybrid planner, run the following. Be sure to use the correct paths the checkpoint and test problems.
python3 mpinets/mpinets/ /PATH/TO/corl_2022_hybrid_expert_checkpoint.ckpt /PATH/TO/hybrid_solvable_problems.pkl tabletop neutral-start
To see a set of task-oriented dresser problems solvable by the global expert
python3 mpinets/mpinets/ /PATH/TO/corl_2022_hybrid_expert_checkpoint.ckpt /PATH/TO/global_solvable_problems.pkl dresser neutral-start
To evaluate the problems and quickly see the metrics, you can also skip the visualization. For example, to run all scene types and all problem types without visuals for problems solvable by both planners, run the following.
python3 mpinets/mpinets/ /PATH/TO/corl_2022_hybrid_expert_checkpoint.ckpt /PATH/TO/both_solvable_problems.pkl all all --skip-visuals
To see all of the options available, run
python3 mpinets/mpinets/ --help
In addition to the inference scripts described above, we also provide a way to run the network interactively in order to play around with it using real-world data. This demo requires ROS, which is included in the Dockerfile.
In order to run this demo, first download the real-world data. This data comes in a separate format from the inference problems above. You can download this data here. Just as in the inference examples, you will also need a model checkpoint as well. You can train your own or use our pretrained checkpoint (see the section on inference for the link). After downloading these files, place them somewhere accessible to the docker.
Upon launching the docker, you will first need to create a catkin workspace and
place the relevant packages in the src
directory. You can move the
directories into the src
folder or, even better, you can create symbolic
links. The advantage of symbolic links is that you can still maintain the same
developer workflow suggested above (edit on host machine, run in docker)
because you haven't actually moved the directories out of the git repo.
Finally, you must build and source the repo. To do so, run the following in the
mkdir -p /root/catkin_ws/src
cd /root/catkin_ws
ln -s /root/mpinets/interactive_demo/mpinets_ros src/mpinets_ros
ln -s /root/mpinets/interactive_demo/mpinets_msgs src/mpinets_msgs
catkin build && source devel/setup.bash
Next, you will need to run the launch file for the demo.
roslaunch mpinets_ros visualize.launch mdl_path:=/PATH/TO/corl_2022_hybrid_expert_checkpoint.ckpt point_cloud_path:=/PATH/TO/real_point_cloud_data.npy
This will bring up Rviz and an environment with a tabletop, a robot, a floating gripper, and some blocks. The floating gripper allows you to set the target for the policy. The blocks are buttons. You will have to wait until the script says 'System Ready' before planning. Click on the red box to reset the demo, the yellow box to plan a path to the currently set target, and the green button to execute. After planning, you will see a semi-transparent robot looping over the plan to show you what it looks like. The opaque robot is the "real" robot and will move only when you click execute.
We provide the dataset of Hybrid Expert trajectories that we used to train our model in Motion Policy Networks. You can download this data here.
If you are using the Docker container, you will need to mount this data after
downloading it. If the path this data is downloaded to is
, you can run the Docker with a similar command to the
one above:
docker run --interactive --tty --rm --gpus all --network host --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --env XAUTHORITY --env NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --env "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --volume /PATH/TO/THE/REPO:/root/mpinets --volume /PATH/TO/THE/DATA:/data mpinets /bin/bash -c 'export PYTHONPATH=/root/mpinets:$PYTHONPATH; /bin/bash'
Once you have the data, either by generating the dataset or by downloading ours, you can train the model using This script expects a configuration file and we provide a sample at jobconfig.yaml. Look through this configuration file and modify the necessary paths before training.
Then, to run training, use:
python3 mpinets/mpinets/ mpinets/jobconfig.yaml
We use Weights and Biases for logging training jobs, but you can disable this logger using:
python3 mpinets/mpinets/ mpinets/jobconfig.yaml --no-logging
There are a few other run-time flags, namely a test mode and a way to disable
model checkpoints. Run python3 mpinets/mpinents/ --help
to learn more.
If you would like to generate the data yourself, we provide scripts we used to generate our dataset. These scripts are designed to work in a cloud-based system, but generating a large dataset will require some data management. To generate the data in Motion Policy Networks, we used a cluster of 80 server nodes running these scripts in parallel.
The scripts we provide are designed to preserve an even distribution of data in the dataset. Some environments are easier than others and therefore we can produce data more quickly. To ensure evenness, you will first generate data for each individual problem type, downsize the individual sets to match, and then merge them together.
You can use to generate data for a
single type of environment and either between two task-oriented poses or
between a neutral pose and a task-oriented one. This
file should have a self-explanatory help string, which you can access with
mpinets/mpinets/data_pipeline/ --help
Some examples of data generation:
To visualize some examples generated from a set of dressers where the robot reaches between drawers, you can do
cd /root/mpinets/mpinets/data_pipeline
python3 dresser test-environment
To run the a similar visualization test where the trajectories all start or end with a collision-free neutral pose, you can use
cd /root/mpinets/mpinets/data_pipeline
python3 dresser --neutral test-environment
To test the data pipeline (i.e. including how the data is saved on disk) and generate a small dataset within randomized tabletop environments using only task-oriented poses, you can run
mkdir -p /root/data/tabletop/task_oriented/1
python3 /root/mpinets/data_pipeline/ tabletop test-pipeline /root/data/tabletop/task_oriented/1/
To generate a large dataset of trajectories in 2x2 cubby environments where each trajectory begins or ends with a neutral configuration.
mkdir -p /root/data/cubby/neutral/1
python3 /root/mpinets/data_pipeline/ cubby --neutral full-pipeline /root/data/cubby/neutral/1/
Likewise, to generate merged cubby scenes, where the necessary cubbies in each
scene are
merged to allow for unobstructed paths between the start configurations
and goal poses, replace cubby
with merged_cubby
in the command above.
mkdir -p /root/data/merged-cubby/neutral/1
python3 /root/mpinets/data_pipeline/ merged-cubby --neutral full-pipeline /root/data/merged-cubby/neutral/1/
After generating the data, you will need to clean it and merge it into a single dataset. In the Motion Policy Network dataset, we use the following proportions:
- Cubby Neutral: 1 / 12
- Cubby Task Oriented: 1 / 12
- Merged Cubby Neutral: 1 / 12
- Merged Cubby Task Oriented: 1 / 12
- Dresser Neutral: 1 / 6
- Dresser Task Oriented: 1 / 6
- Tabletop Neutral: 1 / 6
- Tabletop Task Oriented: 1 / 6
We provide a script that can
take the output of
and clean it up. After running the full-pipeline
, it will produce a file in the specified directory called
. This is all the data of that multi-process run, which has data
in a single environmental class where either every trajectory starts or ends
with a neutral pose or does not. The next step is to clean this data (e.g. keep
only the problems with a hybrid solution), downsize the dataset to have matching
sizes across problem types, split the dataset into train, validation, test groups,
and merge all these individual datasets across various scene types.
These methods are all documented in --help
After running the various stages of this script, you will have a dataset that looks like
Inference data differs from training data because it only ever has a single
problem per environment. These problems are always solvable by one or both expert
pipelines. To generate this data for a single scene type, use the same
script with a different argument set. For example, to generate
300 task-oriented problems in dresser scenes solvable by the global pipeline, use the
following commands. Note that the output file path is a .pkl
mkdir -p /root/data/inference/global
python3 /root/mpinets/data_pipeline/ dresser for-inference global 300 /root/data/inference/global/dresser_task.pkl
When generating "neutral" poses, the number of requested must be even because the inference command will generate equal number of problems to and from neutral poses. For example, if you request 300 problems, it will generate 300 of each. For example, to generate 300 problems solvable by the hybrid expert in tabletop settings going to or from neutral poses, use these command. Note that the final problems stored will already have had hindsight goal revision applied.
mkdir -p /root/data/inference/hybrid/
python3 /root/mpinets/data_pipeline/ tabletop --neutral for-inference hybrid 300 /root/data/inference/hybrid/tabletop_neutral.pkl
When generating inference problems solvable by both, the script will first solve the Hybrid problem, then use hindsight goal revision, and then solve the revised problem with the global planner. For example, to generate 150 task-oriented problems in cubby scenes with merged cubbies, use the following commands:
mkdir -p /root/data/inference/both
python3 /root/mpinets/data_pipeline/ merged-cubby for-inference both 150 /root/data/inference/both/merged_cubby_task.pkl
Finally, you can merge these into a single test set (such as the one we
provide above) by simply merging the appropriate pickle files. For example, to
merge all global-pipeline solvable problems, use the following commands in the
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
paths = list(Path(/root/data/inference/global/).glob('*.pkl'))
global_data = {}
for p in paths:
with open(p, 'rb') as f:
global_data = {**global_data, **pickle.load(f)}
with open('/root/data/inference/global/all_global.pkl', 'wb') as g:
pickle.dump(global_data, g)
This work is released with the MIT License.
If you find this work useful in your research, please cite:
title={Motion Policy Networks},
author={Fishman, Adam and Murali, Adithyavairavan and Eppner, Clemens and Peele, Bryan and Boots, Byron and Fox, Dieter},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},